Chapter 5 : Avoid

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Authors note : This chapter is gonna be too short but the next one will be longer.

Hailey's Pov

My first lesson was English ,my favourite subject after math and history ,I had pretty good grades in them and my mum usually pushed me continue the same way ,I really miss her.

I didn't notice what was on until I tripped but caught myself before I reached the ground and noticed my class right ahead .

I walked to it but didn't knock  ,but I wasn't being rude or anything it's just that I hated attention especially when you are new.

I walked in and the teacher  Mr Miles as mentioned in my attendance introduced me to the class and he bragged about this  student  by the name Nathaniel whites ,but I didn't look up to see who he was ,he told everyone how good I was in English,way to go to catch everyone's attention Hailey ,I mentally groaned in frustration.

I grabbed a seat next to a girl and ignored the cute guy I bumped into from talking  to me  plus I did not want to get into trouble with dad.

The lesson was great but I kept on feeling somebody stare at me the entire lesson weird.

Finally the bell rang for break apparently English was my first lesson but also the last lesson to break .I hurriedly walked out and headed to my locker to pack my books and planned to go to a flower garden in the compound to read .

I was just done when someone grabbed my wrist making it painful . 

I was really afraid but I did not make any sound .........

Sorry guys this was super short but hope you are looking out for next chapter ,motivate me with votes and comments and follows so that you unlock the next chapter ,tell your friends .

Love you guys

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