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"PETER?!" A PANICKED voice says. That voice, though, sounds an awful lot like my Mom's. Mom. To his voice, I open my eyes. Squinting, as the florescent light shines down on me. I groan.
"Mom...?" I groan, putting my arm over my eyes.
"Yes Peter, it's me," Mom answers. I can feel his fingers brushing through my bangs. I'm still panting and sweating but not as much.
"Mom...what happened...?" I ask, tilting my head toward him.
My vision is still blurry but I can make out that it's him. He smiles softly at me through the blurriness. I groan again. I can feel a headache coming on.
"You passed out, Peter. Are you alright?" Mom says.
"I saw him..." I whisper. "I saw Dad..."
Mom tenses a bit. His face scrunches up and he looks down. He's trying his best not to cry. I grip Mom's hand tighter.
"It's true, Mama," I say. "I did. He looked as good as new. He loves you. He's always with you Mom. In your heart. That's what he told me."
Mom couldn't hold it in. He cries. My smile fades and turns into a frown. I look around and see everyone still standing and watching us. They also have worried looks on their faces. I turn back to my mother. He has one hand over his mouth, his eyes are closed as he cries, and he grips my hand tighter too. I brush my thumb on his knuckles in comfort.
"Shh, it's okay, Mom. It's okay to cry!" I say.
He cries on and on. It breaks my heart to see my mother like this especially in front of the whole class. To be honest, he's kind of embarrassing me but do I seem undaunted by it? No, not really.
I continue to comfort my mother for what seemed like days. Hours later, he finally calmed down. He wipes his eyes with back of his sleeve and sniffles. His eyes are red and puffy. His cheeks are also a light pink. Not from blushing but from tears and speaking of tears, there are dry tear stains on his cheeks.
"Sorry, Peter," Mom apologizes. He stands up and let's out a shaky breath. "I-I just...hearing you say that you saw your father...your dead father for that quite amazing to be honest. I...I just need some fresh air."
He looks at Mrs. Baker for permission for him to leave the room. She nods softly, a warm smile on her face. Mom bends down and kisses my forehead. He tells me that he loves me and I tell him that I love him back and left, closing the door gently behind him.
I look over at Mrs. Baker with a concerned look. "Where am I...? Are we still at the University of Science?"
She chuckles and shakes her head sadly. "No, I'm afraid not. We had to get you to the hospital. Your breathing was shallow after you fainted and your pulse was low."
"Oh," is all I can manage.
I look around the room. Everyone in the class tries to squeeze into the small room. And I mean everyone. Including Matt and his gang.
"Why are they all here...?" I ask Mrs. Baker.
"They wanted to see if the smartest boy in the school was okay," she answers.
She's right, by the way. I have my Mom's brains. I am extremely intelligent. I guess you can call me a nerd. I wouldn't be offended if you do.
Matt walks forward. He turns around to face the students, his back facing me, and says, "Everyone? I know you're all concerned about Peter Reynolds, but um...can I talk to him? Alone?"
Surprisingly, everyone listened and left. Including Mrs. Baker. Matt closes the door and turns to face me. I'm still laying in the hospital bed, IVs hooked into my arms and I'm in a hospital gown. When I reach to see if the prick that I felt on the back of my neck before I passed out was still there, it seemed to be bandaged up. Matt sighs and walks over to me, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"How're you feeling?" Matt asks.
I pull back my hand down from my neck and smile softly at him.
"I'm fine. Just confused but fine. You?"
"Now that you're awake, I'm perfectly fine," he answers, returning the same smile.
It's silent for a moment until I say, "When will I be released?"
"Let's see," Matt hums, brushing his index finger over his chin in circles. "Today's Tuesday right?"
I nod.
"Then you'll be released this time tomorrow. You have to stay here for 24 hours so the bite wouldn't get infected," Matt says.
My eyes widen. "B-Bite?!"
Matt nods. "Mhm! According to the doctors, you were bitten by a spider. They don't know what type of spider it was."
I freeze and gulp. No. No, there's no way I can be! He's fiction! Spider-Man is fiction!
"S-Spider...?" I whimper.
Matt narrows his brows. "You sound spooked. You sure you alright, Pete?"
Suddenly, I feel a tingly sensation running down my spin. My vision is more clearer now and I can see more sharply. What's going on inside my body, I don't know.
"Peter...? Do I need to call the doctors...?" Matt asks, standing up and slowly walking backwards to the door.
I shake my head "no" and look around. I'm still in the white hospital room. I sense...danger. Why? I don't know. I look at Matt. Is my crush a danger to me? Is he somehow a spy or something? Should I not go out with him now? Should I not be falling in love with him now?
"Peter? What's wrong with you? You're staring again," Matt says, his voice quavering with fear.
Matt Murdock, the school's popular kid and my crush...afraid? What's he afraid of?
I get off the bed, but I stumble here and there a few times. I catch my balance by placing one hand on the wall. I'm still in my hospital gown. I take the IVs out of me. Screw you, doctors.
I slowly walk toward Matt. Is he something I should know? Is he something that will put my mother in danger? Is he something that...did he and his gang hurt my little brother when Wade left so sudden?! I don't know. I hope not. I hope Matt is still the sweet, handsome, muscular man I know and love.
"What are you...?" I ask him.
"What are you taking about, Peter?" Matt scoffs.
"You''re not like anybody're not...human." I say. Matt tenses. His shoulder rises up to his ears and his face flushes a tomato red.
He bites his lip and stutters, "I...I really should get to know you're okay now, Peter. Still okay for A Quite Place for Friday?"
I nod, my brows narrowed with suspicion. "Yeah...Yeah totally."
Matt smiles a bit and runs out the door, slamming it shut.
Confused, I lie myself back onto the hospital bed. I stare at the ceiling, hands folded over my chest. What is going on with Matt Murdock?
I don't know. I don't know what's going on with him. My eyes widen, suddenly, and I sit up. The hairs on my arms standing up and I gasp.
I look around for a tool. What tool and what for? I don't know. But I'm letting my body tell me what to do. I turn my hand into a rock-out sign or whatever that's called and aim it at the door.
The door is a tool? How?
Suddenly, webs came flying out of my wrist. My eyes widen and I gasp.
No. There's no way.
With great power, comes great responsibility, my Dad said to me before I fainted.
I put the clues together. The phrase my father told me, what Matt said about a spider bite on my eyes widen even more and I gasp again.
There is no freaking way. I can't tell Mom about this. I can't tell Wade about this. I can't tell Ned or Matt or Mrs. Baker about this. I can't tell Uncle Harry, Uncle Sam, and Uncle Paddy about this. I can't tell Uncle Harrison about this. I can't tell Aunt Zendaya about this. I can't tell Grandma and Grandpa about this.
I am Spider-Man.

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