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I DON'T WANT to hear it. I don't want to hear the message Mom left for me on my phone. I don't. I don't want to hear him scream. I don't want to hear him begging or crying. I don't want to hear the person who's attacking Mom hit him. I don't want to hear any of it.
But I do so anyways.
I unhandchuffed Wade from the wheel and he pulls out my phone. The message is ready to play. I gulp and close my eyes, bracing myself for Mom's frightened voice.
"Play it..." I whisper.
Wade presses the button and it begins.
That's when I heard it. That's when I heard the gun shot. My eyes shot open and I was about to scream "Mom" when I heard another voice. It's male and deep. British too.
"Let go of him, my minions," the voice says. "My. Aren't you beautiful?"
My jaw tightens and I gulp again. My fists are clenched. I stare at Wade and he stares back. If the man even touches Mom...
"W-Who are you...?" I hear Mom's frightened voice ask the man.
I can picture it. I can see Mom cowering in the back, shaking as he holds the phone. His eyes wide and full of fear. I can picture the man slowly approaching my mother. I can see him touch my mother. I can see him cupping Mom's chin in his palm and lifting it up to meet the man's eyes as he's saying Aren't you beautiful.
Now, I can see Mom jerking his head to the side, away from the man's touch.
"Don't touch me," Mom says.
"I can do whatever I want you with you, Tom Holland. I need you," the man says.
Mom scoffs. "Need me? For what?"
It's an utter silence. I stare at Wade with my mouth hanging open slightly and then I look at the phone.
"Bait," the man says, quite intimately.
"Bait? Why?," Mom whispers.
"For your son. Peter."
"Please," Mom entreats, his voice a whisper. "Please don't hurt him."
"Oh I do more than just hurt him. I'll make him suffer by hurting the one thing he loves most. His mother."
That's when I hear it. That's when I hear Mom scream and that's when I shout "MOM!" Then it's quiet. Mom stopped screaming and I can hear the man chuckle. I don't know what the man did to my mother. But if he hurts Mom, I'll kill him.
"Peter. If you find this message, come find me. Because I have your mother. Your mother's life is at stake here. And if you don't find him or me within the next 48 hours, your mother is dead."
The call ended with a long and deafening BEEP.
I try not to cry. Why. Why does this happen to me? Okay. First, Dad dies. Second, Wade goes missing. Thirdly, Matt Murdock asks me out on a date. Fourthly, I got bitten by a radioactive spider and became Spider-Man. Then, Uncle Harrison proposes to Mom to become his wife and Mom said yes. Then, I disappear from Mom and found Wade. But only to be known as Deadpool and a killer. Then, I met Daredevil. Finally, Mom got kidnapped and a man threatened me to find Mom within he next 48 hours or else Mom'll be dead.
My life is crazy. But why? Why me?
It isn't fair. None of it. I wish everything was back to normal. I wish. I just want my mother to be safe. That's all I want.
"Peter?" Wade says, breaking the silence. "You okay?"
"Okay?" I scoff. "Okay? Does it look like I'm okay, Wade? Need I remind you that our mother just got kidnapped! We need to find him now."
"I'm sorry, Peter..." Wade whispers, looking down at his feet.
"Say that to Mom," I snap. I was angry. Angry at everything. Angry at the man taking my mother. Angry that Dad died and left Mom. "It's your fault Wade. Your fault Mom got kidnapped. Your fault. If you hadn't left, Mom still be home. Safe and sound. He'd be happy."
Wade gulps. I can tell he's trying to hold back tears.
"I know..." Wade chokes. "It's all my fault Mom's hurt. It's all my fault he's in danger. I get it. But we're gonna find him, Peter. I promise you."
I sigh heavily, leaning my elbows on the wheel and running my hands through my hair. I just want him to be safe. That's all I want.
"I'm so so sorry, Peter. I never wanted any of this to happen to Mom-"
"Then why did you leave him? Huh? Why did you leave me, Wade? Why?" I snap.
"Because I was angry. I was angry at everything," Wade answers, his voice a whisper and tears filled his eyes. "I was angry at Dad for dying and leaving me, you, and Mom all alone. I was angry at Mom. Now...Mom's in danger and it's all my fault!"
Wade hits the side of the window in the car, the side with the button where you roll down the window, and place his elbows on his knees. He sighs heavily and rests his face in his palms. I look down.
"Well," I say, placing a hand on Wade's shoulder. "Let's go save our Mom."
It takes a moment but Wade answers. He looks up and smiles warmly at me. He gulps and nods in agreement.
"Yeah," Wade agrees. "Let's go save our Mom and be the heros we were meant to be!"

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