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WE ARRIVE AT the hotel a few hours later. At this point, the sun's slowly rising. I don't even know what day it is and I don't care. Adikius parks the car and turns off the ignition. I turn to look back and see Mom fast asleep and Wade aslo fast asleep, Wade's head on Mom's shoulder and Mom's head on Wade's.
I smile softly at my little brother and mother. Adikius turns too, wondering what I'm looking at and he smiles too. I hop out of the car and open the back seat where Mom is. I unbunkle Mom and lift him up in my arms, bridal style. Mom instantly wraps his arms around my neck and I enter the hotel and up to our hotel room.
With one hand, I gently pulled back the covers and gently laid Mom down on the bed. I cover him back up. Mom hums in content, eyes still closed and softly smiling.
"Thank you..." Mom whispers. "Thank you, Peter...for saving me..."
I smile again. "Of course, Mom. Get some sleep okay?"
"Bed!" Wade says tiredly and collapse on the bed next to Mom.
I chuckle and kiss Mom's forehead.
"Get some sleep you two," I say.
Wade and Mom don't respond. I'm guessing they're fast asleep.
"Peter?" Adikius says. I turn and look at him.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Can I talk to you? Privately?"
I gulp. I nod and walk toward him by the front door to our hotel room.
"What's up?" I say, crossing my arms.
Adikius smiles. "I'm very proud of you."
"That's it? That's all you're going to tell me?"
"Let me finish. You have a lot of your mother in you, Peter. You're brave. You're beautiful just like him. You're his hero. You saved him."
"I know..." I say, blushing and looking down at my feet.
Adikius cups my chin and lifts it meet his eyes.
"Your father would've been very proud of you, Peter. You've done something not every seventeen year olds will do. From now on, you must protect your mother. You must protect him. Understood?"
I nod.
"Oh. I'm not supposed to give this to you until the time is right..."
Adikius reaches into his pocket and pulls out a necklace. It has a silver heart on it.
"Your father wanted me to give this too you at the right time. And now I think this is the right time," Adikius says.
He unhooks the clasp and place it around my neck and hooks the clasp again. I hold the locket in my hand, examining it.
"What is it?" I ask.
"It's a locket. When you were born, Peter, your father wanted you to have something to remember him and your mother. So after you were born and while your mother was sleeping, he made this. For you."
I open the locket and gasp. It's beautiful! Inside is a picture of my beautiful mother and my handsome father. Mom's in his wedding dress and Dad's in his tux. It's the same picture Wade has on his door.
"It's beautiful..." I mumble.
"It is, isn't it?" Adikius says, smiling.
I closed the heart and tucks it under my shirt.
"Thank you, Adikius..." I say, yawning.
Adikius smiles. "Of course, Peter."

+ + +

Wade and I instantly jolt awake from our sleep. Our eyes are wide and we look at each other.
Wade and I hop out of bed and ran toward Mom who's thrashing and shaking his head side to side. He's sweating and tears roll down his cheeks.
Instantly, I grab Mom's arms tightly. Mom screams his head off, cursing too.
"Mom! Mom! Relax! Relax, Mom! We're okay! We're okay Mom!" I say, trying to calm him down.
"NO! PLEASE!" Mom begs. It breaks my heart. "PLEASE! DON'T HURT THEM!"
"Mama..." Wade says, brushing Mom's sweaty bangs. "Mama, we're fine! We're alive!"
Mom still thrashes around and screams his head off. I don't know what's going on with Mom. I swear if it has something to deal with Advent...
"Peter?! Wade?!" Adikius says, running towards us. "What's wrong?!"
To be honest, I'm scared. I've never seen Mom like this. I don't answer Adikius and I just stare at Mom with wide, scared eyes. Since I don't answer, Wade does.
"We don't know, Adikius," Wade says, "we just found Mom like this!"
"What's going on with him, Adikius? I've never seen Mom like this before!" I say.
Mom screams and screams. Cries and cries. Calling Wade and I. Mom yanks his wrists free from my grasp and clutches his ears. He squeezes his eyes shut as more tears fell and curls himself into a ball, his whole body shaking with fear. It breaks my heart, I don't know how many times I've said that. I feel helpless. Just standing and watching my mother scream.
Adikius slowly walks toward Mom and kneels in front of him. He places the back of his hand on Mom's sweaty forehead and his eyes widen.
"Your mother, boys," Adikius says, raising his voice over Mom's screams. "Is hallucinating. He sees things that aren't really there in his mind. It's part of what Advent did to him."
"What did he do?" I ask. "Advent? What did he do to my Mom?"
Adikius sighs heavily and brushes Mom's forehead with his thumb in comfort.
"Advent gave your mother a shot. With a needle. It made your mother loopy and he soon went out cold for a couple hours. Your mother woke up a few hours later and he began seeing things. Advent killing you. Advent killing your brother. Advent killing your new father and his new husband, Harrison. Advent killing your uncles. All three of them. And your little cousin. He was mind controlled too, because of that needle.
"The mind controlled part is gone. But the hallucinations are still there in his brain."
It's silent. Mom calmed down for a bit but he was still shaking and crying softly. Adikius shushes him and says soothing words to Mom. I stare at Adikius. Wade looks down.
I can't beileve it! Adikius lied to me?! Did Wade know? I turn to face Wade. Brows narrowed.
"Did you know?" I ask Wade.
Wade looks up, clearly confused. "Know what?"
"Don't play dumb with me, Wade. Did you know about Mom's condition?" I say through gritted teeth. My fists are clenched tight.
Wade gulps. "N-No, Pete. I-"
"Don't. Lie to me. Wade. It's a simple yes or no answer. Did you know Mom's condition. Did you know what Adikius says was true?"
Wade sighs heavily, tears forming in his and his lips wobbling.
"I-I'm sorry, Peter. But this is for your own good."
He grabs his katana and whacks the butt of the handle right in my face. I stumble and collapse onto the bed. Mom's still screaming and Adikius is still trying to comfort him. There's a loud BUUZZZ in my ear and my vision becomes blurry. I see wade walking toward me, putting his katana back into its sheath.
He leans close to me, his whole figure blurry. My breathing becomes short pants. Is this normal?
"I'm sorry, Peter. I hope you can forgive me, big bro."
Then everything went black.

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