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I SEE HIM. I see Mom tied to a chair and a man standing behind him with a blade. The man behind my mother presses the blade to Mom's neck. Helpless, I beg and beg and tug on my ropes.
"Please," I beg, my voice cracking and lowering to a whisper. "Please. Let him go."
"I think not, young Peter. I think...he deserves..." the man slowly drags the knife across Mom's neck. Just slowly enough it'll make Mom's neck bleed a bit. My eyes widen. "I think your mother deserves to die."
My eyes begin to water and my eyes widen more with fear. My breathing becomes hard.
No, I think. No. Not him. my Mama. Please.
Mom bites his lip so hard it bled a bit. Mom squeezes his eyes shut and tears trickle down his cheeks. He's bracing the pain. I need to save him. I need to become Spider-Man. I need to save my mother.
"Please," I entreat. "Please, let Mom go. I'm begging you! Don't hurt my mother! Please! I'll...I'll do anything!"
The man stops the knife just before he gets to Mom's Adam's apple. The man grins. Blood oozed down the side of Mom's neck. Oh, how I want to kill the man for hurting my mother.
"Anything?" the man repeats, quirking an eyebrow.
I sigh and nod. "Anything."
The man smirks and takes the knife away from my mother's neck. Mom is still tied to the chair. He's wearing a red dress and ropes are tied around his body. Oh, how I want to save my mother so bad.
The man backs up from Mom and walks toward me. I flinch when he touches me with his cold hands. At the corner of my eye, I see Mom's eyes widening. His jaw tightens. I can tell Mom's getting protective of me.
"Touch my son and I'll kill you," Mom says, panting. Sweat batted his bangs.
The man who's holding my wrists laughs.
"You and I both know that's not true, Thomas," the man says.
He cuts the ropes that were tied around my wrists on the armrests of the chair I'm currently sitting in and the ropes around my ankles.
He pulls me up by the bicep and I wince in pain. The man holding me hands me the blade.
"What do you want me to do?" I whimper.
The man smiles and says, "I want you, Peter, to kill your mother."
My eyes widen and so does Mom's. I gulp and my hands begin to shake and I grip the handle of the knife harder.
"W-What?" I stutter in disbelief. "I-I can't-"
"You said you'd do anything, Peter."
"Yeah, but-"
"So do it," the man ordered.
I look at Mom. Mom's smiling softly and his cheeks are wet with tears. He nods in encouragement. I slowly walk up to my tied up mother. I look at him once more. He's beautiful. No matter what state my mother's in. He's beautiful.
"Do it," Mom whispers to me. "Do it Peter."
I shake my head side to side, closing my eyes as tears trickled down my cheeks. The end of the blade is pointed under his uhm...chest.
"Do it. Please. Please, Peter," he whispers again.
"I...I can't Mom..." I say, whispering as well.
"Yes you can," Mom says. "I believe in you."
"I can't kill you, Mom. I just can't!" I say, fully crying at this point. "Your my mother. I already lost Dad and I can't loose you. Please. I love you, Mama..."
Mom smiles softly again, tears streaming down his cheeks. His voice cracks as he speaks.
"I love you, too, Peter. So so much. You won't loose me, Peter. I promise. I'll be here. With you. With you. With your father. With your brother. At all times. In your heart. You just got to believe, Peter." Mom says.
I shake my head again. "I can't. I can't kill you! I...I'm so sorry, Mom..."
"Shhh, it's alright my child," Mom says soothingly. "I'm glad you found Wade. I'm glad your safe. Both of you. That's all I want. Please...tell Harrison...I love him."
"Mom, please-"
"Kill me, Peter. Do it before he hurts anyone else in this family. Please..."
Biting my lip, I grip the handle a bit tighter. The very sharp end of the blade is into Mom's skin a little bit.
"That's it," Mom says. "On a count of three okay?"
I cry again. "No. No, Mom, I can't."
"I'll count with you, okay, Peter?" Mom says.
I shake my head again, tears running down my cheeks.
"One..." Mom says, his breath shaking.
"I love you, Mom..." I whisper.
"I love you too, sweetheart. Two..."
I let a shaky breath and close my eyes. Bracing myself for the fate I'm about to receive.
I plunge the under Mom's chest. Mom's eyes widen and his mouth gaped open. He tries to scream but only comes out in chokes. Blood oozed out and drips to the floor. Tears streamed down my cheeks.
I killed him. I killed my mother.
No. No it can't be. Please.
I killed my Mom. I killed Harrison's wife. I killed him.
I'm a killer.
I'm a killer.
When I open my eyes, Mom's head is leaning back. His chest doesn't rise up or down. Doesn't show any signs of movement. My lips wobble and I fall to my knees, dropping the knife next to me. My mother is dead.
"Mom...?" I whisper, knowing that he wouldn't answer. "Mommy...?"
I stand up, but my legs wobble as I walk toward my dead mother. I was in shock. I just killed my mother. I don't know if my family would trust me anymore. But how to tell my father. How to tell Wade?
"Mom?" I say, choking on sobs. "Mother? Please. Please Mom. Please. Wake up, Mom. Mom?"
Nothing. Nada. I cry. I can't hold it in anymore. He's dead. Just like my father. I'm an orphan. I have no father, unless you count Uncle Harrison, and no mother. I gulp, swallowing my tears.
"No..." I whisper to myself. " Mom...Mom...not my! MOM!"
I'm screaming now. More tears streaming down my cheeks. I'm screaming for my mother to wake up. Begging him. Praying that all of this isn't real.
"MOM! MOM! MAMA! NO!" I scream, sobbing heavily. "NO! NO! NO, MOM!"

+ + +

"MOM!" I sit up in what seems like a bed.
I'm sweating. I'm panting like a dog. I look to my left to see Wade in a normal T-shirt and jeans. He's staring at me with his mouth slightly open. To my right, is Adikius. They both look at me concerned.
"Are you alright, young Peter?" Adikius asks me.
Wade hands me a glass of water and gulp it down within a second. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and took a little bit to calm down.
"Mom..." I whisper. I look up at Adikius and Wade. "Mom. Where is he?"
"The people who took your brother, they're known as the Agencies, took your mother. They're using him as bait to get you. Didn't you know that, Peter?" Adikius explains.
I nod. I turn to look at Wade. He's scared. He's only fifteen. I couldn't blame him. I'm scared too and I'm only seventeen.
"You have to save Mom," I say to Wade.
Wade shakes his head. "I can't, Peter."
"Yes you can," I say. "I can't too. Because...I...I killed him..."
Wade's eyes widen in shock.
"In my dream. My nightmare. A man kidnapped me. I was tied to a chair and sitting across from me is our mother. He was tied to a chair too. Mom was scared. I was scared. The man who kidnapped me forced me to kill Mom. He forced me to kill him, Wade. That's why I can't. I'm afraid if the man in my dream is real, then if he somehow recognized me, he'll forced me to kill Mom. Please Wade. You have to save Mom."
Wade bites his lip, unceartin.
"I know this is scary," I say to him. "But Mom needs us. His life dependes on it. Please. You have to save our mother."
Wade sighs heavily and nods.
"I'll try..."
"We need to go," Adikius says, grabbing our bags.
"What?" I say. "Why? We haven't even had breakfast!"
"We don't have much time. Your mother is in more danger than he already is. The man who has him...torturing him..."

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