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__Aragorn's Point of View__

He would be leaving in two days. I hadn't seen him much since his father's arrival, but I hoped to change that before he left. I found him at the shooting range, swiftly drawing and firing arrow after arrow. His accuracy never ceased to amaze me.

He emptied his quiver and I came forward. He glanced at me then went to retrieve his arrows. I watched him as he set up and began the practice over again.

I opened my mouth, trying to find the words to say, but nothing came out. He fired over and over until his quiver was emptied once more than he turned to me.

"You know," he said. "If you're ever near the forest, you will always be welcome there. We would be glad to have you."

I smiled. "Thank you. I may take you up on that the moment I get the urge to fight off hordes of foul creatures first."

He laughed, turning to retrieve his arrows once more. "Why do you think we keep so much wine on hand?"

He ripped the arrows from the target and replaced them in the quiver. I shrugged. "I never thought about it. I just assumed your people simply enjoyed it. I've heard it's the best wine a person can get, though I've never had it myself."

He shook his head with a smile. "Perhaps if you had some, you would understand why I don't drink much here. It simply doesn't compare, at no disrespect to your father of course."

I sighed, crossing my arms in feigned irritation. "Well, if I fight through those woods to get to your homeland, it had better be as good as you say, or my rangers and I will not be pleased."

Another laugh came from his lips. "I swear on my life, son of Arathorn, that the wine of the Greenwood will not disappoint you. Besides, after what I've put you through, I believe I owe you a drink."

I nodded, thinking back to the night we met. "Yes, brother, I believe you do."

So... That's it! For now at least. I'm honestly not super happy with it as of right now, but I have to start editing Younger Prince again and I can't spend any more time on this at the moment. Anyway, I hope you at least got a little enjoyment out of this. Thank you for reading!


P.s. Big thanks to @GerithorDunedain for supporting me so much with this. I don't know if I could have gotten this far with it without you (Don't let it go to your head XD).

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