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I pushed past hoards of people as I made my way to the bathroom. It was kind of strange how they all just...danced without question. I stopped by the bathroom door and watched them for a second, just curious as to why the people of this club never stepped off that dance floor.

I shrugged it off and turned into the women's restroom, after all, people like to dance.

As I walked to the sinks I could've sworn I heard muffled speaking, something that sounded as if someone was violently trying to get my attention. I stopped in the middle of the bathroom and listened, just standing there as I tried to make out what that noise was. "Hello?" I asked, spinning around to face the stalls.

The noise continued, possibly even louder now, and It was no mistaking it, the noise was human. I bent over and looked under the stalls, checking each of them to see if one of them had a person in it. I was about to give up when I heard the vent rattle. I snapped up and looked over at the wall vent. It was at this moment I knew that whoever was making the noise was in a...tight space.

"Whoah, whoah, whoah." I trotted over to the vent, "Is somebody in there?" I asked, eyeing through the vent cracks. The muffling seemed to give sarcastic toned reply, but then beat against the vent, making it shake. "Just hold on, I'm gonna get you out of there." I said while feeling around the edges of the vent, but it was one of those vent's that were screwed in and not simply held in place.

I don't know how, maybe for the author's convenience, but as I looked around the bathroom I managed to find a janitors cart lodged in the handicap stall. I quickly searched the cart, fumbling through paper towels, cleaners...I think I might've touched a dirty plunger...and then I found it.

"Okay! I've got a screwdriver!" I yelled and ran back to the vent. Kneeling down I began to unhinge the vent. But when I popped it open, I wasn't ready for who was inside.

Holding the vent and staring at Daz Black once again, but this time he was gagged and bound and well, stuck in a vent. "Daz Black?"

He looked up at me and nodded whilst gagged, "MMMHHHMMMM!"

The Club That Dazzled//Daz Black FanficWhere stories live. Discover now