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"There he is," I pointed to the imposter from behind the bar, Daz slowly peeked over the counter and nodded.

"That's him alright, do you think you could use your feminine wiles to distract him?"  Daz asked and quickly looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. I thought back to my last interaction with the imposter, putting a hand to my chin I tried to recall what it was like.

"Hmmm," I pulled my hand away and shook my head, "If I'm honest I don't think he swings that way."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, and Daz snapped his fingers "Damn, there goes plan a." He crouched behind the bar again and motioned for me to get closer. "Since you're sure plan a isn't going to be effective, we'll have to use plan b."

"What, are you going to try and seduce him?" I asked with smirk, Daz shook his head, unfazed by my antics.

"Better," he waved off, "I'm going chuck a plate at him!" He snapped his head over to look at me, "It's the perfect plan, long distance assault, it's bound to work."

I furrowed my brows at the idea, it worked great when he played the simulator games, but I wasn't sure that the physics from those games would transfer so easily to real life. "What if...we stopped the music instead?"

Daz stared at me for a second, straight faced, "No that's not-" then he paused and peered over the counter. He quickly ducked under again, "That's perfect actually. But that'd mean we'd have to avoid the imposter's eyes."

"That's not so hard, he's only sitting at that booth."

"Look again." Daz subtly pointed to the booth, the imposter was gone. He had infact made his way up to the exclusive club balcony that overlooked the entire floor. "If we're not careful, him or one of his men would spot us in a heartbeat. So how do we get around that?"

I paused, the thought of the imposter having such an open view of everything was a bit nerve racking. If we did anything too suspicious, or noticeable (like change the music) there would be no doubt that the Imposter would spot us in no time. And who knows what he'd do to us?

"We're screwed," I said and slumped down to the ground. Daz looked over at me and tilted his head.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked and sat down next to me. I looked over at him and shrugged.

"You said it yourself, this guy's a lunatic. He let me slide once, I doubt he'd let me do it again. You, of course, you're his idol. But If I get caught-" I paused, letting my eyes fall. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I glanced up, it was Daz.

"Hey, no one messes with my Dazzlers." He smiled, "I won't let anything happen to you."

I perked up a bit, I knew that in the first sign of trouble he'd still probably run off, but somehow, he had given me confidence.

I peeked over the counter and scanned the exclusive balcony, there I saw the imposter softly shaking his hips to the music. It seemed as if he was almost holding back his dancing potential because every few seconds he'd do something a little extra but then immediately stop as if embarrassed to really let loose.

And that, gave me an idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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