An Introduction

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Hello all, it's your loyal writer behind the words, Mr. Tongue Twister. Welcome to my Guide to Writing Historical Fiction. I've been writing historical fiction since I was about thirteen, and I've been writing since I was a toddler. One day, I realized my love of history and my love of writing could go hand-in-hand. Since then, I've written a million and one stories in a million and one different time periods. 

This book is my way of putting what I know out into the world. I've gathered websites, books, photos, documents, interviews, everything I could to get an insight into what everyday life was like in a different time period. While we all know what was happening during the protests of Vietnam, my research deals with how the family back home in the suburbs live their daily lives with the war. From the parents, to the rebellious teens, to the curious children, and everyone in between. From schools to suburbs, cities to farms, wars to treaties, I've gathered all I know into one single book. 

I hope that what I know will help you. Whether you're looking into trying historical fiction, you've got a book in the works, or you've been doing this for years, I hope this helps. I've gathered all of these resources and these tidbits of information, it's only right that I share it. 

In this book, I plan to cover everything, including the tinest details like what people ate for breakfast. From how daily life was, slang, trends, fads, what was popular, what wasn't, jokes, etc. If you have something specific you want to ask, feel free to put it in the comments or send me a direct message. I'll do the best I can to answer or we'll figure it out together. 

Without further adieu, let's get started, shall we?

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