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In historical fiction, the language is everything. Slang is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to reading books set in the past. If the slang is wrong, the entire tone of the book is off-set. The author loses credentials because they didn't do enough research. 

Slang isn't too hard to master. Most slang, we already know in common knowledge. Everybody knows the word groovy was a thing of the 60s, tubular was 80s, it's a gas was 50s. Slang isn't that difficult to master, it's finding the correct slang that's difficult. The decades all blend together at one point or another, so a lot of slang belongs to each, but not all. You can't have someone saying groovy in the 1940s, for example. To make matters even more difficult, you have to consider the countercultures of each time period. The Beats had a much different lingo than the normal people, and The Hippies had a whole language of their own. 

Here I've listed several sites that go over the slang of each decade. These pertain to America mainly, as that is what I am best at. It's easy to grasp a culture when you live there. I hope these sources help. 


Edwardian Promenade:

This site has a long list of helpful slang phrases and their definitions. In addition, it has several other resources for The Edwardian era, which is 1901-1910. I'd encourage exploring this site, it's quite interesting. 


Alpha Dictionary:

This site is basically a dictionary of historical slang terms. It's a very handy tool in general, though I try to find multiple sources. Unfortunately, this was the only good source on slang in this decade I could find. This site is definitely a good tool to use to cross-reference slang from different websites and books. 


Huff English:

The Atlantic:

Around the 20s, society begins to better remember the slang terms. More slang was documented both in the people and in the media starting in this time. The 20s slang is my favorite historical slang because of how utterly ridiculous it is. Look through these sites and see for yourself. Personally, I think we should all start using this hotsy-totsy language from the jazz age. 


Paper Dragon:

Your Dictionary:

Aces, these sites have it all! The 30s were a time when the entire country was beat, the lucky ones were in the big house, and the big dogs pulled a brodie. Alligators swung the night away, and anyone would chisel for a checker. The slang was so complex, I don't even know what I just said. 


The Girl in The Jitterbug Dress:


They definitely cooked with gas on these sites. They've got some killer-diller stuff, but don't flip your wig. Pop onto these sites for a jiffy and see what all the buzz is about. 

(This is why my friends call me the old man)


Fifties Web:

Hot dog! It's your one-stop-shop for all your 50s slang needs. This site is bitchin, it really is a gas. Whatcha waitin' for, Daddy-O? Check it out.  


Your Dictionary:

Hey, man, I'm going ape over this groovy site. It's pretty neat-o if you ask me. They've got all the essentials, from the Fab Four to a zit. Right on.


In The 70s:

Can you dig it? These sites are groovy, man. Totally fab. Ace.


Like Totally 80s:

In The 80s:

Here's the 411. These sites are totally gnarly, dude! Totally tubular, insanely radical! It'll give you the low-down on what's hip with the cool kids. 


In The 90s:

This site is all that and a bag of chips. Back in the day, these slang terms were totally the bomb. Not only nineties kids remember these, some adults remember the headaches they generated. 


I sure hope these sites help, and my terrible slang wasn't that painful. Thanks for sticking around, my dudes. Catch you on the flipside. 

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