1920s- Request

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@carringtonreynolds requested sources on the 1920s. The 20s is one of my favorite decades to write about. There's so much happening before a decade of so little, it's amazing really. I found as many sources as I could, I hope it helps. 

What It Felt Like: Living In The American Century- Henry Allen

This book goes through each decade since 1900 and describes exactly what it felt like to be there. Instead of listing every major historical event as most history book does, this book deals with how the people felt. IT describes the sounds of railcars going down the road, the wonder of highways just being built, the swish of flapper skirts, the coarse interior of a potato sack dress, and so much more. It gives a great look into what living in the past felt like. This is my favorite book that I own, and it is well worth the read even if you aren't writing a historical fiction novel. 

1920s: A Decade of Change- NCPedia https://www.ncpedia.org/history/20th-Century/1920s

This site gives general info on different events of the 1920s. It not much, just a general idea of the sort of gossip people may have been sharing. 

1920s Pop Culture- http://www.1920s-fashion-and-music.com/1920s-pop-culture.html

This site is a one-stop shop for all your 1920s pop culture needs. From music to fashion, gangsters and mob bosses, sports and their fans, the list goes on. This is a very good site to pack your story with 20s references and nostalgic feel. 

1920s Timelines- The People History,  America's Best History, and Thoughtco.




When you make a timeline of historical events, it's always best to take from multiple different sources. Many timelines miss events or add pointless ones. Taking from multiple sources assures that you get the most accurate timeline and the most relevant to the story you're writing. 

Radio in the 1920s- http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ug00/3on1/radioshow/1920radio.htm

Just as the title suggests, this site is all about the radio in the 1920s. The radio was an integral part of society back then, it was how people entertained themselves, danced to some music, and heard the news. 

The Corrupt City- http://umich.edu/~eng217/student_projects/nkazmers/corrupt1.html

This one is all about organized crime in Chicago in the 1920s. It's a quick read, but very informative. While it may not have all the details one could ever hope for, it does lay a groundwork to build upon. 

Organized Crime in 1920s Chicago- http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/1768.html

This one has a map of the different gangs in Chicago circa 1920s. If you're writing a story involving any of these gangs, I think it would be beneficial to know where they were located. This map is from the Encyclopedia of Chicago and seems pretty historically accurate. 


I really hope this helped. If you need any more sources, feel free to send me a message. 

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