Knitting- Request

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@musicaltrash89 requested sources on knitting during WWII as both a hobby and a job. I will say, this was a tough one, but I thoroughly enjoyed researching these sources. Some of these deal with knitting in relation to the war, in relation to entertainment, and in relation to cultures. I hope these help. 

Knitting For Victory- WWII:

This article explains how knitting helped the war efforts. Plenty of people on the home front were knitting socks, scarves, sweaters, and the like to keep the soldiers warm. Prior to America's involvement in the war, people knitted sweaters for bombed Londoners in care packages called 'Bundles for Britain'. 

The Wartime Spies Who Used Knitting as An Espionage Tool:

This article explains how spies used to use knitting as a cover to transfer messages from enemy territory to their side. Patterns of knots and holes would convey top-secret messages, perhaps even some that could turn the tide of the war. 

Women During WWII:

This one also details knitting for the war. The interesting thing about this article is that it includes actual newspaper clippings from the 1940s about a woman who made a quilt to support the war efforts. 

Knitting From Nothing, Rug By WWII Prisoner of War:

This article is about an Australian POW who knitted an entire rug while in a German war prison. He explains how he did it and what makeshift tools he used. 

WWII Knitting  And Sewing Songs:

This is about songs that are about knitting or were sung during knitting. This could come in handy in the story when the character is knitting, here's what they could be singing. 

Knitting For Victory:

This site once again goes over knitting for war efforts, but it also comes with several vintage advertisements. 


I'm sorry there are so few sources. These were all I could find without looking forever. I'll keep searching and, if I find any more, I'll add them to this chapter and notify you of an update. For now, however, I hope these help. Feel free to contact me if you need any more help. 

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