Chapter Six: Homework and Gossip

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"So" Lara-Jean somewhat said in a questioning way. I instantly glanced up from my biology text book, spotting her smirk before it disappeared completely. I squinted my brows and made a confused face.
"So what?" I question, she exhaled loudly and threw her arms up.
"So, what's the deal with Josh?" She questioned again. I knew exactly what she meant but I wasn't going to say anyway.
"What do you mean?" I dumbly questioned. She scrunched her brows and mouth together, somewhat trying to figure out if I was lying or if I had no idea what she meant. Finally she relaxed her face and leaned forward a bit.
"What I mean is, what is up with Josh...and..." she trailed off a look of hesitation crossing her face.
"And?" I exclaimed louder than I thought it would be.
"" She finally said. I pretended to be confused for a moment before putting a look of shock on my face.
", no, no, no, no, no. Definitely no" I said and she raised her eye brows, "no. Don't give me that look Lara-Jean. Nothing happened or is happening" I state one last time. I then looked down at my book, it silent for a few moments and I can feel Lara's eyes burning holes in my head.
"Okay, what's wrong?" I say as I look up and place my stuff down once more.
"Well...I'm just curious to why you were at his house." She went quiet for a moment.
"It was nothing. I just got locked out of my house cause Mom had to go to work so I stayed at his for the night" I finally finished and she nodded, looking down at her book.
"In his clothes?" She questioned as she looked up with a smirk on her face.
"Oh JESUS CHRIST" I sighed out as I threw my hands up, "I am not doing this now" I laughed and then stood up.
"Where are you going?" Lara asked. I stopped before I opened my door.
"To get some food. I ain't running away" I laughed a little more and opened the door, then walked down stairs.

I made my way into the kitchen to find my mom sitting by the centre table. She was working on some job stuff.
"Hey, is there still Chinese in the fridge or did you throw it out?" I inquired as I opened the fridge.
"No, it was looking a little off so I threw it out. Just order some more. And for me as well" she added before going back to her work. I picked up the phone and dialled.


Lara-Jean and I ended up going out to the backyard, knowing it was such a nice day and we were wasting it inside was kind of bugging us. I poured us some fresh lemonade and we just sat, soaking up the last hours of sunlight we had left. We both had our eyes closed and were sitting so silent. It was a good moment, the sounds around us seemed to melt into the ambience of cars that went by every once in a while. I found it peaceful, like my mind was at ease again.
"You know, once this Chinese gets here, we won't be able to bounce on the trampoline" I opened on of my eyes peeking over at Lara-Jean who was doing the same.
"Last on the trampoline gets the sticky dumpling! I practically yelled and shot off the porch and ran towards the trampoline just as Lara did. I leaped onto the trampoline and landed on my back, then Lara came up.
"Hey! How am I supposed to win when you're doing all this fancy gymnastics stuff" she laughed and crawled onto the trampoline.
"I dunno, I never did gymnastics Lara-Jean" I laughed as we both stood up and started bouncing.
We kept bumping into each other and began laughing, it was so loud I was surprised Mrs Matthews didn't come out of her house and hush us. But she didn't, and neither did my mom. So we continued.
Last time I had done this I was fifteen and it was because I got an A on my art project.
How times have changed, and we've all grown up. Those times were simpler when I think about it. But everything would seem simpler because you already know it will be. Imagine going back in time with the knowledge you have now. It would be like cheating at life. Sounds no fun to me, I like the mystery of the unknown.

"Girls the foods here!" My mom snapped me out of my trance. I stopped bouncing and Lara got off the trampoline. A reflection hit the corner of my eye making me squint. I gazed over to when it came from, finding Josh opening the hood of his car and working on it. He lifted his head up and looked over, waving to me with a smile.
I returned this gesture as I strolled over to Lara, Josh looked over to Lara and then went weird, before continuing to work on his car again.

"That was weird" Lara-Jean uttered, I shrugged , knowing well enough why he was being weird.
We made our way into the house and towards the food.


It was around ten when Lara-Jean passed out, this leaving me alone in my room while our Marathon of Teen Wolf continued to play.
I let out a sigh before getting up and cleaning the mess on the living room table. I quietly snuck past Lara, and made my way into the kitchen. I opened the cupboard under the sink to find the rubbish bin full, letting out another sigh I stuffed the rubbish into the bag and tied it off. I pulled he bag out and made my way to the front door; turning the knob the door clicked open. I made my way outside and shut the door behind me.

It was a quiet night, the moon illuminating outside like a candle to a dark room, and the subtle hint of a breeze moving through the area as I made my way to the metal trash cans out front.
Then I heard the sound of another trash can opening. I jumped and gasped. Turning to where the noise came from I found Josh packing his trash can full of rubbish. He hadn't noticed my slight fright thankfully.
I placed the rubbish into the can quietly and then made my way over to his drive way, stopping at the fence line and just watched as the increasingly angry Josh Sanderson continued to shove and push the rubbish into the can.

"I don't think it's gonna fit" I uttered, this made him jump. A small chuckle escaped my lips, while he looked over at me.
"Jesus!" He half yelled, "you could've given me a heart attack" he held one hand up to his chest. For a moment he tried to catch his breath while he relaxed, before then looking up at me, shaking his head in the process.

"Sorry, couldn't resist a good scare" I said proudly. He walked over and stopped just two feet away from me, and shook his head.
"You are awful" he joked, a smile cracking on both of our faces.

"So" I uttered while I raised my eye brows towards Josh, "you gonna ask how Lara is, it shall I tell you?" I half joked. He frowned his brows in response to this.
"No. I was actually going to say goodnight. School tomorrow and all" he said almost as if he was thinking he was offending me.
"Mmm, true. Well I should probably go too" I said with a small smile, "night Josh" I said as I backed away and walked into my yard.

I made my way into the house and shut the door, a sigh escaping my lips before I looked over at Lara, he somewhat sleepy expression as he head laid back on the couch arm and her mouth wide open, every now and then a small snore escaping her mouth. I scoffed lightly before making my way up stairs, yawning as I reached the top and then crashed onto my bed. Exhausted and too sleepy to change out of my normal clothes, my eyes drifted shut with ease, taking me to a blissful sleep I was hoping for.

Hello peoples, I'm back, probably gonna disappear again, ahahaha. I know, terrible habit, but I am working on it. Hope you liked this chapter and hopefully I have updated another chapter within a week. Thank you all for the comments about how much you like this story (you know who I am talking about), I appreciate the love. Anyways, as always, advice is appreciated.

Lots of love
- TiesAndBones

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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