Act 2: Escape from the Dead

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Those words echoed in my head as at this time I have been fighting for who knows how long. 'Shizuka please be ok...' out of everyone I hope she's ok mostly because she is like a elder sister to me. At this point I had a hunch that THEY can't see us or feel any thing so while moving swiftly but quietly through the hordes I look at my shirt a jacket. For a t-shirt I had a black tank now mostly torn to shreds 'I may be good with a sewing needle but not even I can fix this' I thought to my self. My jacket is for better or worse fine except..... I pull out TKZ

and cut the sleeves of the jacket off that way they wont get in my way

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and cut the sleeves of the jacket off that way they wont get in my way. Now I'm about 100ft (30 or so meters) from the infermery. I hear Kazu Ishii faintly I knew him sense we are partners in math class I walk in and see Ishii on the ground dead, Shizka with a terrified look on her face and Saeko with her. I sigh in relief then.. I hear it that annoying sound of a corrupted soul clinging on to life when they should be with those who have fallen. I walk towards the pack and tell Saeko and Shizuka to get out here. I pull down my goggles and run at them I take TKZ and thrust it in the mouth of one and rip the head off, the next two go to grab my arms so I used my vice-like grip to crush their heads for the last three I round house kick their heads off all at once.

Sora: Now, if memory serves Shizuka keeps her car keys in her peruse witch is in the staff room.

I pull up my goggles at start making my way there. 'Hope everone's all right' I start to think 'Everyone must be traumatized be these events, so why do I feel fine?' I pass a few more of THEM because start to doge THEM in athletic ways like jumping over and barrel rolling over three of 'em. When this started I was wearing running shoes, When I found out how much faster and quieter I could move I switched to being bare-foot. I'm used to hiking on sharp obsidian bare-foot so to me this is nothing. as I get closer I hear an Ear piercing Scream that sounds familiar, THEY hear it too so I start to Hack and slash my way there. when I do get there I see Takashi and Rie taking on two along with Seako while Shizuka is with Kohta and Saya. One of THEM was about to bite Takashi so I pulled my goggles down and grabbed Kamina and aimed for the vital mussules in the arms and leg , I fired then run up and crushed it's head with my hands.

 One of THEM was about to bite Takashi so I pulled my goggles down and grabbed Kamina and aimed for the vital mussules in the arms and leg , I fired then run up and crushed it's head with my hands

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