Act 6: in the DEAD of night

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Sora PoV

    It had been a couple hours seance I black out...... from what I don't remember. Any way I was up stairs with Komura and Hinaro trying to open a safe. I personally didn't care for, but we found ammo in one side and Kamina had broken so I'm out on the balcony fixing a shirt to fit me and I hear the one thing at the time that can catch my eye

Kohta Hinaro: what's left in the locker is a crossbow. It's a decedent of the one robin hood used; Barnet Wild Cat C5!

Sora Diaki: Fuck ya'll I call dibs

Takashi Komuro: On what?

Sora Diaki: This.

I say holding one of the arrows and Wild Cat. 'Hmmm what should I call her?' Names start to pot in my head when I realize that the arrow heads are dull and inter changeable. I carefully setthe bow down and run down stairs in to the kitchen to grab a sharpener and notice that mixed in with other boxes are the other heads for the arrows.

Sora Diaki: Hell ya! two birds with one stone!

I run up stairs, hide in behind the door and start sharpening the arrow heads.

Kohta Hinaro: Hey you gonna give us a hand Sora?

Sora Diaki: Screw you I'm tuning up Yui here.

Takashi Komuro: "Yui"?

Sora Diaki: Yui! The crossbow Duh!

Kohta Hinaro: Whatever.

I tune them out again to focus on Yui and my thoughts. I can't help but wonder if Ivy is alive.... and where she might be..... komuro and Hinaro had turned on the tv and apearently an oficer had put a bullet in someone's head. 'DAMN IT. DAMN IT. DAMN IT. DAMN IT! I can't be thinking like that now...... But she is a mother and would think like that- NO IVY IS STILL OUT THERE!' I was pulled out of my head by a nose bleeding Hinaro. and Shizuka in a.... towel?

Sora Diaki: *whisper* The fuck?

Takashi Komura: We should keep it down, please go down stairs.

Shizuka Marikawa: No! no way. I'm going to stay right here just like this!

Sora Diaki: *Whispering* come on Komuro wrap this up......

Shizuka Marikawa: ugg. I'm soo tired I might just pass out.

Sora Diaki: *whisper* FUCK!

Takashi Komuro: miss Shizuka? Ya know ya could help me out here.

Kohta Hirano: uh...I like turtles.....

After Komuro and Shizuka left... I run out to the balcony gasping for air. Hirano is net to me daydreaming...

I walked down stairs to see Rei calling for Takashi. 'guess I should call him that... wait I already do' I walk in to the living room to Saya asleep on the couch and Shizuka on the floor I try not to listen to Rei's talk to Takashi but.... I hear them talking about Hisashi.... I knew it. He was dead. DAMN IT. He was part of our trio with Kamina and me before he met Rei..... I walk into the kitchen and see Saeko in an apron and underwear. I blush a little.

Saeko Bujima: Oh Sora. Did you need some thing?

Sora Diaki: Yeah... but not from you.....

I snarled that last part without trying  and ran upstairs almost hitting Rei and out on the balcony. Once there I hop on to the ledge and look out to see if any of THEM are there. unfortunately not... I feel my arms release their grip on the balcony and lean forward only to be held back by Hirano.

Kohta Hirano: What are you thinking! Sora, What's eating away at you so badly that you'll do this

Rei Miyamoto: what's going on? I then start crying and  just fall asleep. 'Hisashi..... Kamina...... Why did you leave me?!'

Act 6: in the DEAD of night

Act 7: DEAD night and DEAD ruck

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