Jail...? {CHAPTER 4}

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Jason's POV

It felt like it was still late at night, but once I woke up, it was six in morning. I groaned as I sat up and stretched, getting out of bed soon after. I seemed slightly angry yet happy for once. I cracked my knuckles as I went into the kitchen, preparing to make some eggs for breakfast. I made two for me and two for Dad. I set two plates on the table and went to get Dad, who was sitting on his bed reading comics.
Dad replied to me, "N-No, I'm not really hungry! Thank you, though."
I groaned a bit and pulled him out of bed and to the kitchen, making him sit in front of a plate. "Eat.. please? I made it for you, and I don't want to let it go to waste," I asked as I sat beside him and slowly began to eat.
Dad shrugged and began to eat. I smiled and sighed happily. This is the life that I hoped for...but I thought it was going to end soon. I heard sirens outside of our house and groaned, muttering, "Great...what did I do this time? Did they find out?" I went outside to talk to the police, but I was immediately was cuffed when I went out there. My eyes widened. "W-What the hell?!"
Dad ran outside and stared at me in worry, saying, "Jason...what...did you do?" He frowned, his concerned face turning into a more disappointed face.
I looked away, not wanting to answer him. "I...can't tell you." I was put into the police car as it began to drive off to the local police station.

Jordan's POV

I was scared for his life! I didn't know what they were going to do with him. "Oh, gosh..." I mumbled to myself as I began to pace back and forth. "Just what I needed! My son being taken to jail!" His eyes widened. "D-Did I...even raise him right?" I covered his face and groaned. "This is my fault, isn't it? It's all my fault...I know it is..." I looked back at the police car and began to chase it. "I have to figure this out...even if it's the last thing I do!"

Author's note: Hey, guys! I should probably explain why most of my chapters are short...well, it keeps people reading because if they get into the story, they'll want to know more! I appreciate it when people look at my work. It's also because I'm basically a short story writer. Well, thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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