Chapter 1.

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-Ollie's POV-
It's very quiet today, it's already 12:30PM and I haven't heard Jade yet.

"Jaaade!" I yell across the apartment. I hear nothing. I yell again.
Again, nothing..
So, I get out of my bed, put on my pajama bottoms, and walk over to Jade's bedroom. I open the door, I walk over to her bed, she's sleeping peacefully.
"JAAAADE!" I scream in her ear.
She jumps and thumps onto the floor. I laughed. She stands up slowly. She's luckily in her pajamas this time.
"Ollie... I am going to KILL you if you ever do that shit again, dude."
"But... You'd miss me," I fake whimper.
She smiles and kisses my cheek.
"You're darn tootin I would!" She embraces.

-Jade's POV-
Damn, Ollie is so annoying, but I love that boy with my whole heart haha. Either way, I'm in New York with the boy i've been a fan of since I was sixteen. From being Olivia, to being Ollie. He's the best thing to happen to me.

"Jade... Jade? Jaaade!" I hear Ollie fuss, waving his hand in front of my face.
"Anybody home?" He laughs.
"Yes, sorry. just thinking about how annoying you are!" I jokingly express.

Ollie goes back to his room and gets dressed as well as do I.

"Don't you have a date with your girlfriend in like an hour?" I yell.
"Yep, she's just gonna come over here while you're at work and hangout with me, sooo you know."
"Sounds lame."
"sOuNdS lAmE" he mocks.
"Boy, don't make me come after you!"
Ollie giggles in the other room.

I get myself in the shower. Put my make up on, uniform, grab my purse, and my car keys.
"Ollie, come hug me goodbye before I leave,"
"Of course!"
I hug Ollie and whisper in his ear, "I love you, buddy. I'll be back around 7-8:30."
"I love you, too, Jade." He smiles.
"See you tonight."
I walked out the door.
-Ollie's POV-
I hate when she has to go to work almost everyday. But somebody has to pay the big bills, you know? I miss her because I don't have my family here. They're all in Bristol, CT, which is three hours from here.

I go take a shower and get dressed. Put on my daily bandana, which today is gonna be red, with my favorite yellow shirt and black shorts, that I wore to pride with my sister, Sarah.
I sit on the couch waiting on my girlfriend, Cindy.
I hear a knock at the door.
It's Cindy!

"Hey, babe, how are you?" I go to kiss her cheek and she turns away and walks inside.
"Umm... you good?"
"I guess."
"What's wrong, Cindy?"
"I'm pregnant..." she says quietly.
I look at her in disbelief. I can't even produce sperm, so I know it's not mine..
"W-wait, what?" I say in shock.
"You don't seem happy about that.." she says with a frown.
well, duh, cause you cheated!
"Why would I be happy?"
"We're having a baby?.." I looked at her with disbelief.
"No, YOU are having a baby, dude. Not me. Are you kidding me?"
"Okay, you're mad. I understand... I'll explain."
"God dammit. Explain it to me, now."
"I've been jealous of you and Jade lately.."
"And that gave you a good enough reason to cheat on me?! Why didn't you just come to me about the problem?!" I yell.
She gets tears in her eyes. I feel it sting that I yelled at her but I have a right to be upset.
"I'm sorry, ok? It just happened and I didn't expect it to happen and didn't expect to get pregnant."
"Well, you are. You literally decided to hurt me, you had sex and now you're pregnant. It's been at least a month since you've had sex and you didn't even tell me until now! All because you're jealous of Jade, you decide to hurt me like this?" I snapped.
"Ollie baby.."
"Nah, this is over. Get the fuck out of my apartment, we're fucking over." I tell her.
She walked out the door crying her eyes out.
I slammed the door behind her. I'm beyond pissed. I all of a sudden hear a car door shut and I heard Jade's voice, I suddenly wipe my tears that I didn't realize were coming.
She opens the door, she's on the phone with someone, probably her dad. They're so very close. She saw me with red puffy eyes, she stood in the doorway and says, "Hang on, dad, I just got home, I'll call you back." She hangs up the phone real quick and puts in her apron, "Ollie, honey, what's wrong?"
"I'm fine." I said.
"Don't you lie to me, Emerson."
She always says my middle name when I'm upset to get me to open up.
"Cindy cheated on me, she's pregnant." She looked at me, she stood up, and backed up.

Olivia to Oliver. "Ollie Steil"Where stories live. Discover now