Epilogue - Silver linings.

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"Don't feel guilty, Jack." Nick patted him on the shoulder as they gazed across Anacostia Park in the direction of the CIRAS building.

Jack took in a slight breath. "I don't think the guilt will ever go away."

"The cure is going to save lives."

Jack turned to face him. "But what about the lives that were sacrificed? Sometimes I think I should have left the TR notes in that knapsack under the bed." He averted his gaze.

"And what good would that have done anyone?"

Jack was silent for a few seconds. He sighed. "None, I guess."

"That's right. None. You have to try to focus on the positive side."

"It seems awful that there even is a positive side."

"I know. But there is. Melissa and I approve. Try not to beat yourself up."

"I'll try."


Melissa sat with Tanya Nadella, Sidney's psychiatrist, in her cheery, sunlit office. Although she sometimes enjoyed the bright light from the large windows, there were other times when it hadn't seemed appropriate to sit in such a sunny setting. But today the light wasn't such a sharp contrast to the way she felt. The words Tanya had shared with her shimmered with hope.

"Are you saying he'll be normal?"

"No, not exactly."

Melissa's shoulders slumped.

"I'm afraid none of them will ever be normal." She paused. "But Sidney is special, I think. I'm sure some part of him has known love, however long ago it was. He has a natural resilience that not all are blessed with. He . . ."

She stopped again, and Melissa could see that she had altered what she was going to say. "You're both very lucky. Sidney will never be quite normal, as you and I look at it. But, I think he will be okay."

Melissa was almost afraid to believe what this woman was telling her. If it weren't true, it would hurt too much. The past few months had already been so hard for her, and for Nick. "Are you sure?"

"As sure as I can be. It will take work. There are things you'll need to do. And it will definitely take time. I'm afraid it will take lots of time. Time, love, and patience."

Melissa shook her head as if shaking away the idea that it would be any trouble at all. Nick had taught her how much love could overcome and overlook. "I'll do anything I need to. Everything I need to." Melissa laughed and sniffed through happy tears. "Would it be okay to see Sidney today?"

She wasn't allowed to see him every time she came, and sometimes when she did, it was only for a few moments. Sidney didn't quite understand that she was his mother. He had been taught what the word meant but didn't have the context for processing the meaning of it yet. Miraculously, he appeared to take great pleasure in simply holding her hand. Sometimes that was what they did for hours on end as they walked around the facility's playground area. He still had to wear special sunglasses and clothing to protect him from the sun. But he had lost some of his unhealthy pallor and had gained some weight. He seemed to enjoy being outside.

"Yes, I think that would be fine. Let's go to him now."

They walked side by side to Sidney's room, which also had a large picture window that looked out on the property. It, too, had a protective shield to keep too much light from entering. The doctors said that in time, his body might adapt, but for now, these measures were needed. As they entered, Sidney turned to look at Melissa.

She looked back at her son and smiled brightly. "Hi, Sidney." Her body vibrated with exuberance for the future they might have together.

In response, he moved his mouth in odd contortions. Melissa wasn't quite sure what he was trying to do. Then one of his attempts flashed into an expression she had seen thousands upon thousands of times before, and she gasped, shocked into silence. Eventually, she found her words. "Sidney . . . Sidney, I think you're trying to smile."

Not caring whether it was the right or the wrong thing to do, she ran to him. She enclosed her arms around her child, embracing him in a deep hug, and wept.

It broke her heart with the tender pain of a mother's love when he raised his weak arms and laid them across her shoulders in his best imitation of a hug. Melissa lifted her gaze and saw Nick watching the two of them, his tear-glazed eyes matching hers. She waved him over, and together they encircled Sidney in their arms.

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