A New Miraculous Holder

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(Marinette's pov)
Chat and I arrived on the scene to fight off the akuma but by the time we arrived the person was already deevilized. We both glanced at eachother in wonder before checking up on the victim and the bystanders.

"Ma'am could you tell me what happened?", I asked.

"L-ladybug...I-I don't...all I can remember is being hurt that my boyfriend broke up with me....and then...I was making everyone sad...and then she arrived."

"Who?", I asked trying to get some answers.

"The Wolf.", the victim admitted.

"A wolf? Do you remember what they looked like?"

"Y-yes...a gray body suit, with white fur like making going down her stomach, a black mask and gray ears and a tail. S-she also had (h/c) hair with a single white bang and...and oh I can't remember!", the woman fumed pulling at her hair to remember.

"No worries you've given us more then enough to find her. Thank you and please get home safely.", I smiled before getting myself to the nearest roof top with my yoyo.

Chat soon joined me but I didn't answer him, I was puzzled by the fact of a new threat. I haven't granted anyone the privilege of using a miraculous, let alone a wolf miraculous.

"What are you thinking about my lady?", Chat asked.

"It's either we've gained ourselves a new ally or we have a rogue miraculous on our hands.", I admitted looking out over Paris as a breeze danced through my hair.

Chat's miraculous started to beep so he flashed me a smile goodbye before disappearing.

"Tikki...spots off.", I sighed as I transformed back to my civilian attire.

Tikki seemed kinda worried about something and I could tell it was probably over what I was thinking.

"We should go see Master Fu, he might have an answer.", she spoke monotonely as if lost in a trance.

I gently placed her in my bag and made my way to Master Fu's. I found Luka along the way and boy was he excited about something.

"Marinette you won't believe it! I think there's a new hero in town.", he exclaimed.

I let him continue, he must have ran into the wolf that I'm curious about.

"She's really pretty and she looks like a wolf, I was getting pushed around by some thugs and they tried to toss my guitar in the canal but then she appeared.", Luka explained holding his guitar close, "She sang a beautiful song that calmed the thugs down and it made them leave. Then she gave me my guitar back and disappeared."

I smiled at him, he seemed really happy about that girl.

"Oh man look at the time I've got to get going or I'll be late for my tutoring lessons!", I faked panicked trying to get away.

Luka smiled at me and ruffled my hair before running off. I had to talk to Master Fu as soon as possible. The moment I walked into Master's home I sensed a lot of tension.

"I know exactly why you're here Marinette and it worries me just as much as you.", Master admitted.

"Why has a new miraculous appeared?", I asked.

"The wolf Kwami and Miraculous, were thought to have been lost long ago far before I started my training to be a guardian. The wolf was a broken miraculous, an evil miraculous that nobody wanted apart of. The wolf miraculous was always unpredictable, dangerous, and always alone. The fact that it has appeared again could cause great disaster even greater then that of Plagg's abilities.", Master sighed walking to his record player that held the miraculous box.

I stood up and walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder reassuringly. No matter what I'll bring down this wolf miraculous and Hawkmoth.

~The Next Day at school~
(Luka's pov)
That strange girl has been on my mind ever since yesterday, I wonder what she's doing? I wonder if I'll ever see her again? Geez why did love at first sight actually have to be a thing!

"Good morning class.", our teacher smiled.

"Morning sir.", we all responded.

I almost forgot I was in class, geez I really have to start paying attention. Keeping my grades up isn't exactly easy at the Collège Françoise Dupont.

"Class today we'll be welcoming a new student to the class. Treat her nicely as she is new even to the city of Paris.", Our teacher looked to the door and nodded as a hooded figure walked in.

Immeadiatly I could tell it was a new girl by her body type but something seemed familar about her.

"Everyone this is (F/n) (L/n), and she is a transfer student from our sister school in Japan.", our teacher smiled pulling down her hood since hoods weren't allowed in the class.

My mouth dropped a bit since I immeadiatly recognized her, the girl from the roof was now a student in my class! She seemed pretty quiet and shy, kinda like my sister Juleka. She bowed as if greeting us and stuttered a shy hello. She's so freaking cute!

"You'll be sitting next to Mr. Couffaine, Luka raise your hand please.", our teacher ordered.

I shyly shrunk into my seat and slowly raised my hand, I can't believe she's gonna be my seat mate! It's as if she still remembered me, she hesitated a bit but eventually came up. She sat at the very end of the desk seat as if to avoid me and I could barely stutter out a hello. Maybe I can play her a song at lunch? Does she even know how to speak french, ahhhhh this is so frustrating!

"So you're from Japan huh?", a voice snickered.

I looked down at the seat below me and frowned realizing that Beverley had started to pick on (Y/n). The rude  brunette kinda got mad at the fact that you ignored her so she got up to start a fight.

"Hey it's rude to ignore people talking to you!", Beverley growled as she grabbed you by your collar.

You glared at her and in a instance you had her pinned against our desktop and pulled her arm towards you as if to break it. The teacher started yelling for you to stop but that's when a noticed a faint red glow under your bangs.

"(Y/n) stop...you're hurting her let go.", I pleaded calmly as I gently took your hands off of her.

You stared at me before grabbing your bag and storming out the room with our teacher in hot pursuit. You're a strange girl, but I think that's what I like about you.

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