Difficult Fool

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(Narrator's pov)
Once again you had ran off from school, unsure of how to handle your emotions due to that Lila girl. You were a mess of emotions but only one stood out in your heart, and that was fear. You were afraid of an akuma showing up and possessing you, you didn't want Ginn to end up like his sibling Nooro. You quickly ran home and slammed your door shut letting your presence be known to your dog. The energetic pitbull automatically ran to you for love and affection but stopped seeing your worried state.

"Shhshhshhshhh....i-its okay buddy I'm fine.", You lied hugging your beautiful pet close," J-just another day of me sucking at socializing."

You calmed your nerves and noticed an akuma flying around just outside of your patio window, you had just escaped catastrophe. That Lila girl was going to be trouble you could smell a strong evil from her and you feared that she was Hawkmoth's eyes on the innocent of Paris.

"Are you alright my lady?", Ginn cried hugging your cheek worriedly as he awaited your response.

"Yes Ginn I'm fine, J-just a little shaken I guess.", You sighed holding him in one hand.

Your feeling of jealousy still lingered, Luka was always the one to break up confrontations or issue before you made them worse but you realized that he made you weak. Was it the glow in his oceanic eyes? Or the way his smile makes your heart beat? You were unsure but if you were to accomplish your mission then maybe expulsion was your only answer. There was a knock on your door and your hair immediately stood up on end, who would possibly be knocking? No one knows where you lives so who the hell is knocking at your door? Ginn quickly hid in your hair as you opened the door and much to your surprise it was Luka's sister.

"H-hey my brother told me you ran off from school because of Lila, are you okay?", Juleka asked shyly.

"How do you know where I live?", You asked monotonely.

"Oh I saw your dog from your balcony."

You turned towards your balcony window and saw Gizmo smiling and barking in glee, wanting ever so badly to be inside and greet your guest. You allowed Juleka in and Gizmo in to greet her. Juleka laughed as the young pitbull smothered her in slobbery kisses and barked in glee.

"So are you okay or are you still mad about Lila?", Juleka asked.

You growled under your breath at the name and explained how she threatened you with Chat Noir using Cataclysm on you. Juleka wasn't all that shocked but instead very understanding of how you felt. She warned you that Lila was a trickster, a master of manipulation and corruption. Her phone began to ring and no surprise it was her mother worrying about another Akuma attack.

"I've gotta head home quick, be careful out there (y/n) and don't forget you can always come to me when you need someone to talk to.", Juleka smiled hugging you quickly before bolting out your door.

You smiled as the sounds of sirens and people screaming echoed in the background, no doubt that Akuma was originally meant for you. You'd make Hawkmoth pay! You'd make his little spy pay! A child's wail caught your attention and just like that Ginn entered your miraculous and you transformed. Much to your surprise you were the first to arrive on the scene, Ladybug and Cat Noir were no where to be found but Lila sure was. Another girl, named Rose, that you knew had been akumatised into a strange green skinned villain.

"Hey pinky! You can stop with the Zombie parade, wanna fight we can go at it.", You growled positioning yourself to fight her hand to hand.

"You....you know you remind me of someone. A very trouble making girl, that gets my Juleka too involved in her issues.", she growled.

You sighed and hopped over her to go and find Juleka with her in hot pursuit, you found Juleka by the river bank and captured her in your arms to use her as a hostage. You whispered your plan into her ear softly which made her face blush bright red which angered Princess Fragrance even more.

"Where's your Akuma? Tell me or the girl gets my claws.", you growled scratching one of your long nails against her neck.

Princess Fragrance growled and released a huge puff of perfume towards you, your tail covered Juleka's mouth and nose to shield her from the perfume. You quickly landed on a nearby rooftop and sensed another miraculous nearby, just after your feeling Viperion appeared and he didn't seem to happy seeing Juleka with you.

"What the hell is she doing here?", Viperion hissed, quite literally.

Juleka noticed a strange aura around you to and quickly made her leave unaware that the worrying snake hero was her older brother. As the two of you bickered Princess Fragrance started becoming annoyed by the lack of attention. A red butterfly formed over her eyes and Hawkmoth's voice rang in her head.

"Careful Viperion can turn back time, and the Dog Girl is completely unpredictable. Get me their miraculous and Juleka will be safe.", He growled.

Once again her perfume covered the rooftop and you tossed Viperion over the edge to protect him and just because you felt like it. You pretended to be a zombie much to the Villian's delight but Viperion could tell that you were faking it.

"Now hand over your miraculous, you scaly twerp.", The green haired villain growled reaching out her hand to him.

She gasped feeling her perfume fly out of her hand, in an instance she was pinned to the ground and Viperion had destroyed her possessed item.

"B-but how? You should've been under my control!", She screamed only to watch you crinkle your nose at her with a teasing grin.

You quickly caught the Akuma in your claw and hummed a small tune which made your body glow. You smiled as the now white butterfly flew away to a happier place.

"Hey wolf girl!"

You turned to see Viperion in your face with a very upset look on his, you growled at him only for him to bare his fangs at you.

"If you ever get that girl involved with any of this again, I'll personally kick you out of Paris.", He growled lifting up Rose before flying off threw the air.

You stamped your foot impatiently getting annoyed by the stupid snake boy as well, what's so great about being a hero when the people you work with or protect just yell at you. You noticed that Lila girl snapping photos of you from the park and quickly disappeared much to her annoyance.

"Looks like our little pet doesn't have any allies here.", She giggled into her phone.

"Yeah because I don't need them.", A voice growled.

You grabbed her phone and hung up the call, she started at you in shock before you punched the tree next to her head making a bone cracking noise upon impact. Her body trembled in fear as she played stupid and you chuckled whispering a small threat in her ear.

"Tell your boss, that if he doesn't fight me on his own then you'll be the first victim of my hunt and I don't like leaving behind scraps.", You growled slicing a single claw down her arm until it bled.

Lila held her bleeding arm and glared as you disappeared. Another nuisance, another idiot, another wannabe hero to kill off.

"You'll pay dog for breathe! Only a fool would get in my way, and if you do you're going down!", She growled drifting off into the crowd. Danger was coming but were you ready for it?

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