Mixed Feelings

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(Luka's pov)
"And once again we have video footage of our new hometown hero, or should we say vigilante. Much is unknown of this wolf themed heroine but she certainly is messy when it comes to cleaning up the badguys and akumas of Paris. Back to you Tim."

"Geez they don't have to bash on her like that, she's making a difference so why is it a problem?", I fumed flicking my guitar pick at the tv to turn it off.

"Luka my boy, wouldn't it have been easier to just use the remote?", my mother chuckled pointing out the remote next to me.

I kinda rolled my eyes at her and headed downstairs to my room, I couldn't get (y/n) or this new wolf hero out of my mind. (Y/n) kinda reminds me of a wolf, dangerous and ready for a hunt but when you get to know her she's a soft bubbly girl and she's cute when she smiles. Then there's Wolfie, unknown to everyone and I only got a glimpse of her once. She has a very angelic voice though, she was able to calm down those thugs in no time and still protect Juleka when that Akuma snatched her up.

"Hey lover boy.", my sister called getting my attention.

"Who are you calling lover boy?", I pouted feeling my cheeks flare up.

"Oh please as if Rose and I didn't see how you stared at that girl while you both danced together.", Juleka giggled sitting on my bed, "So who is she?"

"She's a new classmate, I guess we kinda hit it off because she didn't use to talk to me as much until a couple of days ago.", I sighed rubbing the back of my neck while I thought of her.

Juleka smiled and headed back up, geez you could've at least given me some sisterly advice or something. Suddenyly a scream sounded from upstairs, I quickly bolted out of my room and raced up to check on my family. Another akuma had appeared, and so did Wolfie.

"Doesn't Hawkmoth ever get tired of of the same old thing?", she complained in a harsh tone.

Her grey suit turned pure black and her tail spiked up sending needles right at the Akuma. Was that some kind of superpower?

"Howl: Omega mode release.", she growled her suit turning back to it's original color.

Just as she was moving the Akuma away from our ship Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared. They started helping Wolfie fight against the Akuma, but Wolfie seemed to fight dirty. While the other two distracted the Akuma she pulled a small brown handle from her back and it turned into a pure white bow. She whistled a single note and that turned into an arrow of some sort.

"Hey bug breathe, kitty litter, if you don't wanna get hit I'd suggest you move!", she growled aiming her arrow at the akumatised item.

The two heroes jumped out of the way and Wolfie fired her shot. The sound of a wolf's howl echoed upon impact as the victim turned back to normal. It looked like the battle was over but another one was just beginning. Chat Noir's staff slammed right into Wolfie's chest knocking the air out of her lungs and knocking her off her feet.

"Rogue miraculous holder, my name is Ladybug and I'm here to take your miraculous. It is evil and needs to be returned from whence it came.", Ladybug ordered extending her hand to receive the miraculous.

Wolfie growled under her breathe before she began to cough, at first it was just normal cough but then she started coughing up blood. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing, on impulse I rushed to her side and stood between her and the two heroes of France.

"Luka! You need to get away from her, she's dangerous.", Chat Noir ordered.

"I'm sorry but whatever she's fine can wait until she's healed. If she's coughing up blood then there's no way that could be any good.", I retorted stepping closer to the wolf hero.

Ladybug said nothing but continued to insist that Wolfie was evil and needed to be stripped of her miraculous. While we were busy fighting your tail flared up again, a light grey aura glowed around you and your glow started to fix everything and turn it back to normal. We watched in awe as the damage you made returned to normal. Your miraculous started to beep signaling that you'd return to normal soon.

"T-there...now you precious Paris is back to normal. Now leave me alone.", she coughed throwing herself into the canal.

"Wolfie! Wolfie come back!", I screamed into the water but you were no where to be found.

Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses began to ring too so they left without saying another word. I don't get it, how can Wolfie be evil? She saved Juleka and me so how can she be evil? I hope she's okay. Wolfie's eyes kinda looked like (y/n)'s, same annoyed expression, same angry tone, but (Y/n)'s always been so quiet so that couldn't have been her, could it? I was unaware of the akuma behind me and once it touched my hood it was already to late.

"Serpent, my name is Hawkmoth, you're confused and feeling doubtful, looking for answers, well I can help you find them but in return I need Howl's miraculous. Can the snake seek out it's prey for me?", Hawkmoth's voice echoed in my head.

"Yes Hawkmoth.", I hissed as my clothes changed into that of a hooded serpent.

I'd get my answers and these feelings would finally be over. I'll find you Wolfie and I'll figure out why you're evil and cleanse you of it.

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