Break and Crumble

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(Narrator's pov)
"Are you sure you don't want to sleep over at my house?"

"Yes Luka I'll be fine don't worry about me and go home or your mom will make me walk the plank for having you out so late.", (y/n) whined playfully.

"But what if-"



"Absolutely not."



"I'm just worried about you, are you sure you don't want to go to counseling for the akumatization? It's open to the public and it's confidential.", Luka continued to pester you about the idea.

You groaned and shook your head no while you scooted him out of the door. Luka was hesitant to leave your side after your akumatization, he feared you'd be targeted again due to Lila's warning but you managed to get him out after promising to take a day off and relax. You kissed him good night and pleaded for him to get home safe and call when he arrived. He still hesitated but you smiled at him and hugged him tight, "I'll be fine Luka. Everything's okay now, come visit me after school tomorrow I'll cook something for us.", you smiled while looking up into his worried eyes.

He sighed in defeat and held you closer whispering okay into your ear before kissing your lips one more time and leaving for the night. You waited to close your door until the elevator door shut and sighed understanding that Luka was just worried for you. Once you were back in your apartment you almost screamed in fright seeing two strangers in your home until you realized that it was Chat and Ladybug.

"How are you feeling puppy?", Chat asked splaying himself over your couch.

"I'm fine Chat, recovering from the wind getting knocked out of me earlier but still fine."

Ladybug had a confused look on her face, she seemed worried, confused, and honestly a bit sad. (Y/n) knew she had been looking for her so she could reconnect with her Grandfather but she had to respect that you just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Thank you both for fighting for me. I'm sorry if I injured you."

"It's alright, we were more worried about you.", Ladybug explained slowly walking up to you to hug you softly.

You just held her, she had a warm presence that reminded you very much of your mother. While we were hugging Gizmo and Chat began to growl at each other making (y/n) laugh softly.

"(Y/n) please for now take a break. I can't boss you around like the other miraculous holders but I beg of you take a week off and recover, this was to close of a call for you. Next time Hawkmoth might get you and your miraculous.", Ladybug pleaded.

Your eyes widened a bit at her plea but you knew she was right, they could handle Paris for a week together so you should take this break and recollect yourself. Ginn emerged from the room and smiled seeing the two heroes and hugged their faces gently with a soft purr from his throat.

"Hey fuzz ball good to see you again.", Chat smiled.

"Likewise guardian of destruction.", Ginn smiled.

(Y/n) smiled at her two partners and took a seat next to Chat patting the spot next to her for Ladybug to sit down. When she did you rested your head on her shoulder and took Chat's hand in yours, "So what now?", she asked.

"Hawkmoth's got something planned, these strange rocks are proof of that but I'm not sure what we can do about it. We have to take the fight to him but I don't know when that'll happen.", Ladybug sighed.

"Everyday those rocks get stronger, and bigger. His master plan might be coming faster than we want it too, I think we have to stay on our toes.", Chat added in fiddling with your fingers like a cat.

"Regardless of what happens we'll need the other miraculous holders. We need our own team just as Hawkmoth has his.", you sighed.

Ladybug pondered the idea a bit but agreed, soon Paris would be a war zone and only the miraculous holders could stop it.

"(Y/n) much longer do you have to live?"

"My lady!"

Chat sat up glaring at his spotted partner for the rude question but you smiled and replied, "Twenty seven days."

Both the heroes froze in shock to your response and little Ginn held his head down in shame. It was true, you expected to last until the end of the year but the over exertion of your powers had dropped your life expectancy dramatically.

"T-twenty....(Y/n) you're joking right?", Chat yelled, his voice holding an obvious anger and sadness.

"I'm not little kitten, I'm gonna die soon and if I'm right it's gonna be the day we fight Hawkmoth."

They noticed your body suddenly pale, you laughed weakly and laid down on the free space of the couch. Your health was deteriorating and there was little anyone could do anymore. Chat was devastated, you were like a beautiful flower wilting as winter finally approached. He covered you with a blanket and gave your forehead a soft kiss while Gizmo rested his head on yours and whined softly. Ladybug stared at you in shock and tried her best to hold back her tears, you were one of her best friends and she'd lose you before she could keep her promise.

"Chat we should go she needs to rest. I'm sure her friends will come and visit her tomorrow.", Ladybug cried gently patting Gizmo's head, "Protect her okay Gizzy. You're a good boy just eat the akumas if they try to touch her."

Chat slowly made his way to the balcony door and took last look at you before leaving, Ladybug was the last to leave but with a heavy heart she wished you goodnight.

"Everything will be alright young master, we'll defeat Hawkmoth together as a team even if we must both sacrifice ourselves to do it. Paris, Duusu, and Nooro will be saved.", Ginn whimpered falling asleep in your hand.

Your days were numbered and you would play it off as an innocent lie until your last deed was done. Hawkmoth would have to watch out for you and your pack mates, the miraculous holders that you trusted with your life and final mission.

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