chapter 3

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Winter was one of the times that Louis loved. He got play out in the snow with Harry and his siblings, he got have hot cocoa well you can have that whenever but it tastes better during winter. Also, Harry got hornier during winter mainly because of the coldness he wanted more cuddling and more sex both gave him warmth. 

That's why Louis was in bed with Harry passed out next to him again. Louis was staring at the ceiling wondering what to get his siblings this year. They did say they wanted something right? 

'I can't remember if they told me what they wanted. I can't ask them again can I? What if I already asked them before? Can Harry ask them for me? No, I'm their brother I have to ask them, but what if I already asked them?' Louis sat up trying to even out his breathing but found it hard.

The room felt like it was closing up on him. Harry wasn't with him anymore, all Louis could see and feel was the air going away and darkness. 

"Louis? Lou baby calm down." Harry wrapped Louis in his arms throwing the blanket off of them and rubbing his back.

Louis let out a slow breath getting the oxygen that he needed. 

"Its okay, you're fine." Louis nodded not even able to process or remember what happened.

'What was I even thinking about that made me having that panic attack?' Louis tried to remember but only found it causing a huge headache for him.

"My head hurts Harry." Harry nodded jumping over Louis running to the bathroom to get his medicine.


"I was thinking um after Christmas could you come over? I wanna try to see if we can draw some old memories with him." Niall nodded.

"Good if you have any old photos of you with him or videos can you get the photos printed and just send the videos to me. Louis siblings all have this thing we're gonna do. We're gonna set up the living room with string lights and hang up pictures and play old videos of him with his sisters, of course, some with me and you. I really want him to remember you, you two had such a great friendship and you two deserve to have that back." Niall nodded hugging Harry trying to hold back his cries or at least quiet them.

Harry hugged back rubbing Nialls back glad to make the shorter man happy but mainly hoping this would work.

"Can I get some service here?" Harry and Niall pulled back and got straight back to work.


 "Hey Harry Louis won't answer his phone again, the girls have all called him and texted him their wishlists but he won't reply or answer any calls. Is there something wrong there?" Harry sighed getting in his car.

"Either he put a password on his phone as I told him not to because he probably forgot and forgot the password or he is having another one of his mindful questions going through his head keeping him from the world again. I'll go with the latter but I am on my way home right now so don't worry. I'll see what is wrong, but uh just to make sure, send those wishlists to me from now on." Lottie agreed then hung up and Harry was speeding to his house worried Louis did something bad and didn't want to face it head on now.


Harry walked into the apartment sniffing around for anything burning in case Louis cooked something and forgot about it. Satisfied when nothing smelt bad Harry wandered into the living room, of course, clean as usual with the tv on. Louis usually spent his days watching kids tv or in the kitchen reading the back of the boxes. Anything that kept him entertained. Louis wants in the kitchen or living room either.

"Louis? I'm home." Harry called out walking up the stairs to their room hoping Louis was in their room.

If Louis wasn't in any room in the house Harry would call the cops and demand they find him or else he was gonna start world war three.

Harry walked into their room seeing the bed was still made from this morning. Louis cleaned the house whenever he felt like he was stressed too much.

Opening the closet door finding nothing but clothes. Harry walked into the bathroom seeing the shower curtain closed obviously Louis would be behind it. He hated being in closed and confined spaces but he also felt more at peace when he was in his little world of questions.

Opening the shower Harry found Louis on the bathtub floor tracing invisible patterns on the floor. Louis looked up finally getting out of his little world and smiled up at Harry.

"Harry! When did you get home?" Harry pulled Louis up and brought him out of the shower.

"Just now, so why were you sitting in the shower?" Louis opened his mouth to respond but closed it when looked more confused.

"I, I don't know. I can't remember what I was thinking about. I'm sorry." Harry nodded pulling out his phone.

"Lottie and all of your sisters called you a ton of times today, why didn't you answer them?" Louis looked around then back at Harry.

"I forgot where I put my phone." Harry sighed facepalming.

'Great I have to find it because if he didn't hear it then its probably on silent.' 

"I'll find it so don't worry okay?" Louis was about to reject it but instead got interrupted by Harry kissing him.

'Why can't I remember where I put my own phone? I can't even remember my phone number. Harry didn't even seem happy when he saw me he looked mad? Why are people never happy around me?' 


KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes, another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Also, I am kind of getting irritated at Instagram because lately, it's not been working, like the tags are not working, Ariana's tagged photos are not working. My own tagged photos are not working. Like Instagram needs to step up their game. Also, Tumblr is posting on their app and on Instagram but like they're keeping the comments off. So like just wondering I get that you posting means that you are letting us know not to freak out anymore or just not freak out as much but like does this mean you guys are working on the issue? Like I am still waiting on that to be fixed as well, because sometimes when I wanna look for sims 4 custom content I type it in the search bar and one time it works but then when I put in like specifics like I don't know shorts because I want some shorts for my sims it says nothing is there or the app just freezes and crashes on me. Like I am kind of getting sick of that but its okay I mean I don't need those I can just go to the sims resource and get myself some sims 4 custom content clothes. Also, one more thing I made an account on and if you guys like fairy tail or know anyone that likes fairy tail be sure to tell them my user on there is keilsans or keilsan I forgot its one of those and I have one fairy tail fanfiction on there. So like I am working on two stories now! Anygays love you all, goodnight, morning, and or afternoon! 

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