chapter 4

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Harry had a day off for work today so he used that as his way of spending more time with Louis. Louis used to love to decorate the house during Christmas when he was younger, his sisters would be downstairs on the porch while Louis Lottie and Fizzy would be upstairs helping put lights on the roof. Harry would be helping the twins on the porch being he was older than them and saw it as a way to bond with his boyfriend's siblings more. Louis completely forgot about the times he decorated with his sisters, he even forgot how exciting Christmas use to be. 

"Harry what are you doing?" Louis walked into the living room seeing Harry on the floor opening boxes of Christmas decorations.

"We are decorating the house today Lou. Do you remember when you used to do this with your sisters?" Louis pouted and shook his head staring at the box full of colorful lights and green electric string.

"I don't want to do that. I saw a video of a man putting lights on his house and he fell off the ladder. I don't want you or me to fall." Harry sighed dropping the string of lights back in the box.

Harry stood up and faced Louis. 

"Baby, I promise I won't fall neither will you, you know why? Because we are only decorating the inside of the house. There's a blizzard outside so it would be very hard to work outside if we have snow being blown in our face. Also since the ceilings are too high we won't be using any ladders, we will be just taping the lights to the wall at the height we can reach okay? Just think of how colorful and wonderful our house will look when it's done." Louis cringed at the thought coming to his head.

The living room walls would be all lighted up with crappy scotch tape holding them to the wall but will most likely fall off making the paint on the wall come off. It looked like a whore house in Louis mind.

"No Harry, our house will look like complete rubbish." Harry deflated watching Louis grab the box and tape it closed.

'Great I can't even convince him to have some type of festiveness how am I gonna get him to enjoy being in Niall's company. He's terrified of the man that used to be his best friend. Pinterest will help they always know how to make things look from ugly to beautiful.' Harry waited till Louis left back upstairs after taking a bowl of cereal with him.

'Pinterest don't fail me now, Tumblr is turning to shit right at the moment so let's not act like a damn tot.' 


Louis didn't leave his room for most of the day. He watching youtube for a bit listening to music blankly staring at the folder on his laptop labeling Singing audition. It always hurt his head when he read it. Harry told him that it was a video of him singing but Louis didn't want to watch a video of himself singing. It just seemed so fucking cringy to him. 

Louis looked at the empty bowl on his nightstand then back out the window. It was snowing really hard today. 

'Did I play in the snow with my sisters? What about Harry? Who is that guy that I can't see?' Louis got up looked out the window, there wasn't a single car or animal around. Not even a bird was flying through the wind. It looked so peaceful. 

'What if I go outside and play in the snow, what if I remember something?' Louis opened his closet changing out of his thick clothes into his snow wear. Louis turned around a couple of times then looked in the mirror attached to the door. 

'I look like a green marshmallow.' Louis shrugged and left the room slowly walking down the stairs, being that the clothes he was wearing were super thick and heavy that it made it very hard to take big steps.

When Louis managed to get downstairs Harry was gone, the closet door was open and the box Louis put in there was gone. Louis looked in the kitchen still nothing, Harry was gone? 

"Harry? I'm uh, I'm going outside okay?" Louis didn't hear a single response and took it as a yes.

Heading to the back door, Louis stopped when he saw a light shining through the blinds. Louis opened the door and saw Harry tieing string lights around the swingset. They were around the large tree in their backyard, all around the fence and on the back porch. It looked magical. Harry turned around when he heard the door open and smiled holding his arms up.

"I know you said no to it being in the house so I brought it back here. I also made it look good. I only used your favorite colors, blue and green." Louis looked around amazed at how pretty it looked. 

The tree even had hanging lamps that were twinkling. The picnic table was covered in snow but it had lights on each corner. 

"It looks amazing." Harry nodded walking over to him taking his hand in his. 

Harry pressed a button on his phone and made slow music come on. The song sounded so familiar but Louis couldn't pinpoint it. The voice sounded heavenly but he didn't know who it was.

"Who sings this?" Louis asked while swaying with Harry.

"Someone that I know. They made it themselves, I did the piano for them." Louis nodded not questioning any further.

"I hope they make more it sounds amazing." Harry nodded kissing the top of Louis' head.

"Yeah, I hope so too." 


KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes, another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Anygays who is this mystery person that Louis can't see? Who is this mystery person that Harry did the piano for? Who is the mystery person that is singing the song Louis loves? Who is who anymore? Also please tell me if you think it was cute what Harry did. Like he worked his ass off just to make Louis enjoy Christmas and not be a grinch anymore. Like Harry truly loves his boyfriend if he would go out in a blizzard in their backyard and set it up and make it look like a fucking wonderland for him. Like that's just fucking perfect relationship goals right there. Anygays who else is seriously pissed off at Tumblr right now, like they are deleting simblr accounts for no reason. It's like the whole youtube community guidelines again. I am honestly so pissed off right now. Like seriously Tumblr, I honestly hope that like either some or at least one tries to sue tumblr for what they are doing. Anygays love you all, goodnight, morning, and or afternoon! 

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