Chapter 5

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There was a gloomy silence inside the house, so I decide to go outside and get some air. I notice that the bikes are back.  Seeing the Camaro is still parked on the side of the house I make my way over to it. It gently hums to life and gives a happy whir as if happy to see me. 'Last night wasn't a dream.' 

"Sam's in the house watching the news." I say to Bee. He opens the driver side door. I take a glance behind me to look up at the window to see if anyone is watching. Once I feel like no one is there I make my way over and slide in. The door creaks as it slams shut. The radio turns on

"How is...your leg?" Bee asks. I give a small smile and respond "It's fine, thank you for asking." Bee gives a happy whir making me giggle. I see Sam downstairs in the kitchen window. Mojo puts his one bandaged paw on the window sill and starts barking 

"Stop with the barking, Mojo.It's too early. Please?" Sam begs Mojo. Bee gives the engine a nice loud roar and pulls up close to the window. "I don't think he's see's me." I state as he keeps roaring his engine. I see him grab Mojo and go into hiding. Not much longer after that we see him hop off the porch with his mom's bike pedaling down the road. Bee gives one last roar before speeding off after him. "Don't scare him to much." I say worriedly.  I hear static 

" Buckle up...Hands on...wheel" Bee gives me what sounded like a worried whir. I quickly buckle up and put my hands on the wheel. Bee is happy that I comply and accidentally sends a small jolt of electricity throughout the car, making me jolt in surprise, removing my hands quickly. I stare at the dashboard not sure if he can see me. 

"Why did you do that." I ask feeling a little tingly. 

"Sorry, I just got a little excited." Bee replies through the radio. Soon enough I place my hands back on the wheel. As we keep following Sam, he soon hits a bump in the sidewalk causing him to fly into the air and landing him on his back in front of Mikaela and her friends. I ball my fists and bring it to my mouth. I breathe in through my mouth saying 

"Ooooo... That looked like it hurt." Bee gave an agreeing whir. 

"That was... That was really awesome." Mikaela said in a sarcastic tone. 

"Well, it felt awesome." Sam said a little muffled due to him landing on his back. He quickly got up and got back on his mother's bike. 

"Are you okay?" Mikaela asked a little worried. 

"I'm not okay, all right?I'm losing my mind a little bit. I'm getting chased by my car right now.I got to go." Sam said scurrying off on his mother's bike.

Mikaela stood up "You know what?I'm gonna catch up with you guys later." and went to find her scooter to find Sam. 

Me and Bee stayed behind Sam. "Why are we following him?" 

"Will explain.....when...time me..." Bee tuned in and out. Trust is a hard thing to come by, but he hasn't give me a reason not to trust him, so I will wait. 

Sam turns into a parking garage. Bee and I are right behind him, Bee slows up a bit before I see Sam make a turn and we see a cop car. Bee quickly turns the opposite way Sam went. 

"Where are we going? Sam's went the other way!" I ask a little worried for my best friend.

" fine." Bee tunes in. 

A little while later Bee and I see Sam grab Mikaela throwing her off her scooter making them both hit the concrete hard. 

"God! What is your problem, Sam?" Mikaela asks in a mad tone sitting herself up. 

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