Tamaki (Daddy Kink) Male reader

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(X male reader! You and Tamaki are both 21.)

After your ex boyfriend broke up with you for having a daddy kink, and labeled you disgusting, you were back at the gay bar... drinking your feelings away. The bartender knew your face all too well and always had your back with a refreshing glass of (favorite alcohol).
When you finished your first glass you put your head down. The problem is that you have a high alcohol tolerance and an empty wallet. Today you wouldn't be able to make yourself black out. You take a deep breath and let it out in a sigh that was accidently in your little pitch.
Someone sat by you and chuckled "I've never heard something that cute come from a guy" He then poked you in the shoulder "can I see the face of the guy who made that sound". He sounded like a kind humurous person so you slowly lift your face. The first thing you noticed was sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair.
You were so drawn in you didn't notice his stare. He examined you from your (h/c) hair to your (e/c) eyes to your body shape and height. "Now I see... it's a cute boy that makes a cute noise like that" You feel your face heat up "you think I'm c-cute?"
He lifts your chin with his index finger and pretends to examine your face again "I don't even think anyone could compare to how cute you are, not even a girl" At this you know you are blushing and could feel your heart rate increase gently.
You gather all of your courage and ask him a dangerous question "How about taking this cute boy to your place to drink?" you use all of your effort to make yourself sound innocent and flirty. He laughs and holds out his hand "depends on what the cute boy has to offer". You take his hand and in a small voice "I can tell you a secret." He laughs and agrees for some reason and walks you out to a super expensive car.
You obviously feel like an idiot for saying you will tell him a secret in exchange for him giving you alcohol and letting you in his home but that was really all you had at the moment. When you pull up to his house you realize that this guy must be loaded. He owns a house large enough to identify as a mansion.
He gets out and walks to your side to open the door for you and help you out. Even though it's dark outside the way the moon illuminates the place makes it look like a fairytale. He was holding your hand while walking you to the door but your mind was stuck on one thing. "mm... I'm sorry if it's rude to ask but... are you royalty?"
He laughs really hard this time "My family is just wealthy and if anyone was royalty it would be you, my prince." When you walk inside the place practically sparkles "What is your name by the way?" He inquires as you walk up a large staircase. You mumble a bit " (y/n) and what about you?" He flashes a charmingly dazzling grin "Tamaki, but do you mind if I call you prince, I believe I like it".
You laugh at him "call me whatever you please" you realize he walked you up to his bedroom. He releases your hand and walks to a mini kitchen. "you look like a (f/d) person." You seem a bit stunned "H-how umm" He smiles at you "what a cute reaction..." He goes back to pouring your glass and hands it to you and chuckles "I heard you ordering at the bar ,my prince."
Everytime he called you prince your heart skipped a beat. After drinking down one glass you are both sitting on a couch in his room. He looks to you as if he's pondering something "what was your secret?" You look down "Would it even be enough to interest you?" He touches your cheek "I'm interested in what my prince is keeping to himself." You look into his eyes "It's weird but I umm... I have a sort of... I do have a daddy kink."
He laughs "why were you scared to say that, my prince, I thought I hinted that I myself like that play... but I guess my prince was too nervous." You prepared to run away but then you finally processed what he said. "So would you like to play, my prince?" You looked up at him to notice that his eyes seemed more of a violet color now.
Somehow you quickly fall into your little state "Could we play now daddy?" He points at the bed "lay down my prince" you get up off the couch and sit on the bed but don't lay down because you seemed to miss that part over your arousal for not being able to play like this in so long.
He walks over to the bed and pushes you down by your shoulders. "It seems that someone needs punished" you feel a heat between your hips where it touches between his. He flips you over onto his lap. "Count how many times I spank you, my naughty little prince" without warning his hand comes down on your butt. "O-one" again "Two" again "angghhh three" at 6 you were completely hard and he finally stopped at 10.
"It seems my prince has learned his lesson, right?" you quickly nod "yes daddy". His smile only reflects how deeply he has fallen into his dominant daddy role. "Daddy?" He makes an amused deep hum in answer. "Can I do kiss you?" He flips you over again and leans in "of course my prince". Your lips feel so warm against his. When he puts his tongue in, you automatically give your daddy his dominance and let him take over.
Since you haven't done anything sexual in a while and your fingers haven't been enough to get you off... you were in pain from your lower regions. Daddy seemed to notice that and pulled away from you. He kissed your jaw before sucking on your neck. He stopped and pulled your shirt up over your head. He went back to sucking on your skin... this time trailing down your V line. You were moaning out and it sounded so cute to daddy. Before he pulled your pants down he looked you in the eyes "can I, my prince?" you nod and mumble "mm... yeah... daddy" He pulls your pants off and slowly pulls down your boxers. Making it so it almost seemed like it sprung up when the elastic band was pulled slowly over it.
He trailed his index finger up the underside of it until he reached the tip and then he licked up the slit. He began slowly pumping the base as his tounge moved around the tip. He move his hand to your hip and took you into his mouth. He kept a firm grip on you while he bobbed his head. You could hear and feel him breath out as he went down your shaft and breath in and suck at the same time while going up your shaft. It was slow at first and he kept up his pattern but as your moaning got more uncontrollable he went faster and his breathing became random. Right when you felt as if you were going to cum he stopped.
He slowly took his shirt off and sat back "do you want to cum my prince?" you nod "yes daddy" He looks like he isn't pleased with that answer "how are you going to ask daddy to make you cum?" you stutter "please make me cum daddy." He still didn't seem satisfied by your answer but pulled of his belt "face your ass towards me" you get on your hands and knees with your ass in the air towards him. He licks his finger and trails it from between your balls to your hole. "Daddy?" you know what he's going to do but you feel nervous. He plunges two fingers into your hole and starts to curl them towards your uretha, making you pant like a bitch in heat.
He starts to stretch your hole and when you feel like you are going to cum again he stops. Your dick was twitching in pain from being deprived of pleasure twice now. You hear him unzip his pants "lay on your back my prince". He has in his right hand 7 inches of hard wood. He looks at your small needy form below him and gives off the sexiest look you've ever seen. It radiated pure dominance and the need to fuck you senseless "do you want this my prince." You feel a whine coming up you throat "please daddy, fuck me with your large cock until I can't forget your size" He finally looks satisfied with one of your answers.
He lines the tip with your hole and kisses you on the lips his dominance faltering for a second because he is worried about you. You nod letting him know it's fine and he slowly pushes in. You can feel your body adjusting to his size and it's driving you nuts. you sway your hips a bit to tell him to hurry up and fuck you. He pulls out all the way to the tip giving you a mischievous look and then slams all the way back in. He thrusts at a fast pace and you could feel a slight pleasure but it was enough "fuck me harder daddy" He takes that as a cue and grabs your arms making it so he slammed into you so deep it almost hurt. This drove you on edge and you could feel your dick twitch before you finally came. It was an embarrassing amount since you have been holding back so long. Daddy was making a gutter al growling sound while still thrusting into you. "Fuck... my prince... you are so fucking tight" you then felt him swell inside of you and then something hot filled you. When he pulled out you felt him semen drip out of you and down your leg. He started kissing you again. It was the most passionate thing you have ever experienced.
After a couple more rounds you tried to stand but fell over. He princess carried you to the bathroom and cleaned you up in the shower... including washing your hair and putting his finger back in you to scoop all the cum out. When he carried you back to the bed there was new sheets. "How?" you were so confused since he was with you the whole time. "The maids" he grabbed a pile of clothes and only putting on some boxers before putting some on you and a shirt of his. He laid on the bed with you and after putting the covers up he deeply kissed you again and you notice his eyes are back to blue. "I know this is a bit awkward but would you... I dunno date me or something, I mean your cute and our sexual chemistry is great and I just..." you cut him of with a kiss you snuggle into him your eyes fluttering since you body is exhausted. He pulls you as close as he can and you both fall asleep.

Instagram: @pastelskullking (follow for cosplay or if you want more anime friends)

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