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It's December, the coldest season of the year yet the most beautiful one. 

The snow covers all the crosswalks and the houses' roof while it falls slowly, as the crystals where enjoying their trip from the sky to the ground,  with the help of a little friend called wind. How is possible to appreciate something that is nothing but white, cold and heavy? (The snow itself on the ground and not the snowflakes).

Despite of the great beauty, brought by mother nature, I can't handle it. Not without warm and cosy clothes. Not without a bed with soft and warm sheets. Not without a hot chocolate with a marshmallow in it.

How great it is, the season I used to love the most is, nowthe one I hate the most.

I shall get used to this life style until I get what I want. Letter by letter,  word by word,  sentence by sentence, quickly you'll understand what I am talking about.

Life style? You might be wonder. 

I mean homeless

Right now I have no house,  streets are actually my home,  so by saying that... the truth is, I'm  not homeless but roofless.
I used to sleep on benches when was a warm weather, since the cold season started I needed to find some other place. Bridges was my choice. Mine and almost every homeless' choice.

Cardboard is the main source the keep the body away from the cold. Fire too,  but harder to do it,  since I can't find sticks (nor trying to get from trees because I am to weak to do it, I have no strength.).

For a twenty three year old boy, I am capable of surviving. I have my ways of doing it. I am proud of myself that even homeless and with no money, I get things in a honest way. 

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