Chapter 4. - First talk.

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There's this girl I see often. I don't know her name or where she's from yet I know that everyday at 11 o'clock she goes to starbuck.
Her hair undulated in the wind. Each strand was separating as it shined as gold. Her eyes were like too big black olives.
She has this skin and the beauty of a goddess, Aphrodite, if may I say. With her smile, she could really bright my day.

Coming to real life. I'm starving. I took the money of my pocket so I could count it. There was enough to buy some bread and juice at the supermarket.
Probably the only thing I'll eat today. The distance between the park and the supermarket, wasn't that much. It takes me like, 15 minutes to get there.
As I went, I  appreciate the beauty of naked trees covered by some snow, it look like it were shining.

I was looking for some bread but I stopped myself. There was this voice, sweet and soft voice. "The worst things in life come free to us.".
I recognized this sentence, I mean, I wrote that.
As I turn back, there she was. The girl. The blonde girl!
Maybe I blushed a little, hoping she haven't noticed. "And it's too cold outside for angels to fly.", did I just flirted?
She smiled.

"You were very good at the park."
"Thank you..."
"Nina. My name is Nina."
"Thank you, Nina. Thank you a lot.", I think I was getting so red. I felt my cheeks so hot.

We didn't say any other word. Last thing she did was smiling and walking away.
My day was only this. It was exciting. Probably the best day I had in long time.

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