Chapter 2. - Pain.

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  Robin noticed that I was awake,  as I was stand up near the bridge, he came on my direction. I was examining the cars and people as well. The cars moved very slowly and when they moved you barely knew the difference of distance.

Humans. Such weird species.
How can a little body hold on with such enormous anger?
They carry with themselves anger, hatred, antipathy and disgust. What lead to people to be like that?

Probably money.

Money can bring many problems. It's a wonderful morning and all they can think about is, traffic will make them late and late means problems at work. Less money in their bank accounts.

My thoughts were interrupted by my great friend.

"Edward, guess what? " he put his hand on my shoulder.
"What? " I asked curiously.
"I can't believe they are still together after all that crap they've been through."

I was confused. I looked at him,  with a expression on my face of "who the hell are you talking about."
I had three options: ignore, nodding or ask.

"Who?" I opted that one. What did I got to lose?
"My butt cheeks." he took his hand of my shoulder and slapped on my back while laughing.

I laughed too. This man makes me smile everyday.

"That was funny," I said and at the same time, laughing, "you got me again."
"With all the stress in this world, it's fine to laugh a bit, " he pointed to the cars above the bridge, "I mean look at that. Those people live in a stressful world, therefore, I rather live in this kind of world I'm in.
"Amen," I nodded, "you're a wise man, my friend."
"I just know the world. I've been there. The pressure part of my life is gone plus I'm better now. Psychologically."

No he wasn't.

Pain gets everyone. There's no way to escape from it. However, you can deal with it,  make it smaller, soften.
Some of them smoke, do drugs, go to parties so they can drink till passed out.
Others find ways of injuring themselves, so that they forget the biggest problem with a tiny one.

The question is, why do they do that if the pain,  they've already got, is the biggest one? Why do they add more problems to the problems? More pain to the pain?

Robin hides his pain through jokes...
But Who am I to say that doing drugs, smoke, drink, parting, etc, it's not a good way to go away from pain.

People don't like the pain, they just get used to it. It's been part of they're life, since born until death.

Anyway, even though there's a lot a pain in the world, there's also Joy. As a great, famous writer said once "Without pain, how could we know joy?"

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