Chapter 3. - Don't judge a book by its cover

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You might be wonder, with 23 years old, how can I be homeless. Or if I have parents or friends.
I have both.
I got a huge misunderstanding with my father which lead me to get out of my house. This happened 1 year ago.
I hate to ask this but did I overreacted?

"How long you leaving?" he said while madness was filling up his body.
"Well, dad, just don't expect me back this evening," I grabbed my clothes and shoes, put all in my backpack . "Bye dad."

I left.
He didn't bother to go after me, i bet he just sit on his couch thinking that I would just return after a few hours. He was wrong, I didn't come back and he didn't look for me.

I talk everyday with my mom though, without my father knowing. Everyday I ask a coin so I can call her from a pay phone. They don't know that I'm homeless, they think,  especially my mom, that I stayed at my friend's home. I didn't want to worry my mom.

I love him but I don't wanna live in his home. Not for now.

Enough with reminding myself of sad moments like that one. Time to clean my self with scented wipes, Robin gave me, so is something stolen but I didn't do it, so... Not my fault.
At least I don't smell that bad, moreover, it's cold and I can't take a bath in the river.
I haven't enough clothes, only three shirts, two jeans and a pair of sneakers, therefore it looks like I wear the same clothes everyday.

My back is hurting, owing to the ground that is such a wonderful piece of hell. I was already dealing with the cold and now I need to deal with its hardness as well.

I was frozen because I only had a shirt on. I went to the park and I felt my body freezing as it started to make me incapable of walking. Near by, i say a group of kids, probably with 17 years old. I presume that the benches where wet but the teens where sitting on it anyways. This park has a lot of movement and when I saw that they had a guitar, i went on their direction.

They were just chilling, I assumed, how I envy them with that big and furry coats.

"Hello there, my name is Ed and with my appearance you can see that I can't afford that much...," I tried to 'touch' their hearts, "Can I please borrow your guitar, just to play one song to get some money?"

This tall, thin and blond guy, gave me the look of contempt. I guess he only borrow me the guitar because his friends, told him to. I guess he thought that, just because I'm homeless, i don't know how to play a guitar or maybe he thought I was going to stole it.

I picked it up with careful, seemed like I was picking up a baby. How I miss my guitar.
"Thanks man, I'll give you in a second," he nodded, "can you also borrow me something to put the coins?" I ask them and hopefully this girl had a scarf.

My left leg was on top of the bench, so I could support the guitar with it.
I started playing.

"This song, i wrote it myself. It's not finished yet, but working on it." I started playing and singing

'White lips, pale face
Breathing in snowflakes
Burnt lungs, sour taste.

Lights gone, day's end
Struggling to pay rent
Long nights, strange man.

Ripped gloves, rain coat
Tried to swim and stay afloat
Dry house, wet clothes.

The worst things in life come free to us.

It's too cold outside for angels to fly...
Angels to fly.'

I barely notice that I've closed my eyes when started singing. To my surprise, people was around me and soon as the song was over, they clap. Felt so good, I was being appreciated.

"Thank you so much," I gave a look to all the people that was there,  "I wasn't expecting this. "This songs was written by me, yet is not finished."

They clap again. I didn't even had to bother myself to ask for money when I looked to the scarf, there was enough money for buying food.I thanked everyone, returned the guitar and the scarf and as soon I was leaving I heard my name.

"Ed!" I looked behind and was the blond kid of the guitar.
"Here,  have this." he took his coat off and then his sweater. Dressed the coat again and offer me his sweater.
"I can't accept that." I return it back.
"Look, i haven't gave you money, but I want to give you my sweater. That song, it was touching. I even beg you to keep it." he lend me the sweater once again.
"I'll be on debt with you." I accepted. I was freezing.
"After hearing the song, I was in debt with you.  Now we're even."
"You are a good person." I said while dressing the knit sweater.
"And you my friend, you have talent."

After all I was mistaken by the thoughts, which lead me to think that he wasn't a nice person. As my grandma always said to me "Don't judge a book by its cover. People as well. Get to know them first and then make a coherent opinion."

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