Chapter 1

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Hi, so this is my first book i guess and it might suck idk. If anything is wrong with it or if you dont like it or have any input please let me know. 💗💗


"Y/n! Y/n. get here right now!"

"What is it Luc, it's the middle of the night?"

"I don't care. I got the part!" Lucy says, wide awake with the biggest smile on her face.

"Wait, oh my gosh. You did?"

"Yeah. Filming will start in a couple weeks."

"That's great. I finish Uni a c uple weeks, so its perfect timing. Do You know who's playing the rest of the cast?" I question.

"Yeah, we already followed each other on Instagram. I'm guessing they knew I was getting the part."

"Ok. Now I am really happy for you, but I am extremely tired and have school today." I yawn and hug her, leaving her watching the TV.

I wake up to the smell of bacon. I pick my phone up and its 6:30, half an hour before I need to get up, but I do anyway. I put a dressing gown on and walk into the kitchen where Lucy is cooking. I sit on a bar stool at the island in the middle of our kitchen.

"Hey y/n, did I wake you?"

"No, but that bacon did." I sleepily mumble, drooling over the smell of the bacon. She hands me a cup of tea and I fold my hands around the warm ceramic glass.

"want to put some music on?"

"Sure." I grab my phone and go to my favourite playlist. Queen. It isn't just because Lucy got the part but we both have been in love with the band since we were in primary school. I connect my phone to the speaker and blast the music, causing a few windows to shake. 'Don't stop me now' plays and I jump around and sing at the top of my lungs. She pulls out her phone and starts to record me dancing and singing. Once I notice, I go full out Freddie Mode and sing to the camera dramatically. The song comes to an end and Lucy places two plates in front of bar stools and we sit to eat our breakfast. I take my phone and go to Instagram, knowing that she probably posted it. I look at her story, and there it was. Me dancing like a fucking idiot. I literally don't look anything like Freddie dancing. I also notice quite a few notifications and I see that a bunch of people followed me, some of them even have the verified symbol. I look at their pages and being the weird, stalker chick I am, I search them up. All 4 of the verified accounts are the cast of Bohemian Rhapsody.

"Whatcha lookin at." She says as she peers over my shoulder at my phone.

"The cast of the movie just followed me, from your story. Oo, this guys pretty cute."

"Hmm, you think so huh?" she says with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, come one. I said he's hot, I barely even know him. And don't you fucking dare tell him I said that." I become serious, pointing a finger at her.

"One, its rude to point," she starts while pushing my hand down. "Two, you didn't says he's hot, you said hes cute and three, I wont tell him."

"I uh-um I meant hes cute and hot like um- uh, hes attractive ok. And thank you." She start laughing at me being so flustered. I'm never like this.

We both finish and I start to get ready for my day of university.

Time skip to end of uni and start of borhap filming (just wanna get to the good stuff)

Phone call:

Hey Lucy, Im on my way now. What do I say when I get there.

Just say that you are my best friend and they will take you to my trailer. Im on set right now so I wont be there.

Okay. See you later.

I hang up the phone and turn my car on. I drive to their location of filming. The drive isn't too long so it only takes about 20 minutes to get there. I pull up to the gate and roll down my window to met security.

"Hi im Y/n, Lucy's best friend. She told me to com here and go to her trailer."

"Yes, she told me you would be coming. Jut drive through and park in one of the spaces. I'll get someone to take you."

I smile politely at him as he opens the gate for me to drive in. I park in on of the spaces and another security guy opens my door and walks me to Lucy's trailer. He opens the door and I head in, while he walks away. I look around and finally find somewhere to sit. I grab Lucy's speaker and play some music. Of course, Queen. One of my favourites play first, 'Love of My Life'.

Bens POV

"Hey Ben. You're finished for the day, right?"

"Yes, why?"

"I left my phone in my trailer and my friends said she would call me. Would you be able to go get it for me?"

"Yeah sure." I turn towards the exit of the set and head to where the trailers are located. As I edge closer to Lucy's trailer, I hear music playing from it. In fact, 'Love of my Life'. I quietly open the door to see a girl sitting at the table, with her back to me, singing along beautifully to the song. I lean against the door, listening to the soothing sound of her voice. She hits every note the exact same as Freddie, except with a more feminine tone. The song comes to a finish and she continues to scroll through her Instagram.

"What a lovely voice you have." I say pushing my self off the door frame. As I say that she jumps and turns to me with a terrified face, she looks at me for a split second and then shuts her eyes tight and rests her head against the wall behind her.

"Holy. Fucking. Shit." she says with a hand on her chest. She finally looks at me with beautiful eyes. "Sweet baby Jesus." She mumbles, but still loud enough for me to hear. She quickly covers her mouth. "You scared the shit out of me." I smirk.

"I'm very sorry, but you do have a beautiful voice. I'm Ben by the way." She turns red and gives me a shy smile.

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