Chapter 2

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Your POV

I feel my cheeks turn red as he compliments my voice.

"Thank you. Im Y/n, but what are you doing here anyway?"

"Um, Lucy said she left her phone here and she wanted me to grab it."

"Did she now? Well I'll ring it and see if its in here." I say, knowing that its not in here, and this was a plan. I press on her contact and bring the phone up to my ear. The call connects.


Hello. Forgot your phone did you now.

Oh um yeah, I thought I uh- left it there.

Mmhmm, sure.

I hang up the phone and turn back to Ben.

"So, turns out she actually has her phone." I give out a small laugh.

"Oh, well, ok. Would you like to come to the set? I think the others are still practicing some of the choreography."

"Yeah sure." I grab my phone and follow him out the door.

The walk to the set, only takes a couple minutes but the walk is the most awkward situation I've ever been in. I don't know why but we are both just silent. We finally arrive to set, and we walk backstage. They are practicing Live aid and they are just learning their own scenes. Lucy turns, and her eyes light up when she sees me. she runs over and hugs me, pulling me towards the others.

"Guys, this is my best friend y/n."

"Yeah, we know, we follow her on Instagram. But it's a pleasure to meet you in person." Gwilym walks to me, takes my hand and shakes it.

"Im Rami, nice to meet you Y/n." we shake hands as well.

"Wheres Joe?'' Lucy asks looking around.

"He's just talking to someone i think."

"And you know me." Ben contributes to the conversations. Everyone starts laughing.

"What, I felt left out." He pouts, drooping his bottom lip. Without thinking I wrap my arms around his side.

"Aww, wittle baby Ben felt weft out." I copy his pouting expression looking up to him. Everyone starts laughing and I let go of him.

"Don't worry, I felt left out a little too. I ended up listening to Queen songs, waiting in Lucy's trailer to make myself feel like I was watching the performance in my head. Its stupid." I left out a laugh. Immediately Ben turns towards me and I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"aw, wittle baby y/n felt weft out too. Bitch, why are you not hugging me back." I look to Lucy while my head lays on his warm chest. I wrap my arms around his body as well. Lucy looks at me with a smirk and wiggles her eyebrows, And my cheeks start burning. I mouth shut up to her and look away. I then lift my chin and rest it on his chest and look up to him, noticing that he was already looking at me. I eventually notice how close our faces are when I hear a gasp from behind me. I turn my head to see a very shocked Joe.

"How fucking dare, you. Only day three of us and you are already cheating on me. Do you not remember how you were using my ass as a pillow only a few hours earlier." Every one starts laughing including Joe himself.

"Joe, I didn't know I swear. But I can share." I remove one arm from around Ben and open the space to let Joe in. He walks to us and joins in the hug. Eventually after a couple minutes I let go and push Joe, fully onto ben and wrap his arms around him.

"You can have him all to yourself now Joe." Ben looks down at me, smiles and rolls his stunning green eyes. I take my phone from my back pocket and quickly snap a few photos from a couple angles. Ben notices me taking them and he quickly rushes to get my phone but I put it behind my back. He slowly walks towards me and corners me against a wall. He gets with in centimetres of my face and places a hand on my waist and the other on my cheek. I turn my head away from him, but he moves my face back towards him. He leans to my ear and waits to say something.

"Got it." He  whispers and I feel his arm behind my back grabbing my phone from me. I go to snatch it but he holds it in the air, and because Im shorter than him, I cant reach it. I think of something and immediately turn my face angry and tears prick my eyes. I give up trying to get it, huff and turn away from him. I lean against the wall and breathe deeply.

"Dude, what the actual fuck." I hear talk from behind me.

"Just give it back to her you prick."

"y/n?" he quietly says to me as he gets closer. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I shrug it off and turn towards him long enough for him to see my tears but still walking past him.

"y/n, im sorry. You can have it back, I didn't delete it I swear." I look back at him and I notice that he actually is sorry. I don't know if its just the glare of studio lights or if he actually has tears swelling in his eyes. I hold out my hand.

"Can I have my fucking phone, you dick." he nods and gulps. He places it in my hand and I turn away from him, wiping the tears from my eyes. I face the rest of the cast and start smiling. They all look very confused, so I turn towards Ben, who looks like a lost, scared puppy. He looks at me even more confused than the others and I start laugh hysterically.

"Wait- wait im confused."

"I was pretending to cry and be upset."

"holy shit are you serious. I was scared you hated me."

"No I don't hate you," I walk closer to him and and put my face within centimetres of his and stare him dead in the eyes, and deeply whisper. "but I am pissed, just because your hot does not mean you get to seduce me to get my phone. that is just mean." I don't move from my position and neither does he.

"You think I'm hot?" he says with a smirk. I realise what I said and become paralysed. My cheeks start burning.

"I uh-um no I uh- fuck no um well sorta. Okay well gotta go bye." I walk over to Lucy and hide behind her. Everyone stares at me and starts laughing. Eventually, everyone calms down and starts to leave set. I say goodbye to everyone. I finally get to Ben.

"Um well, me and Lucy are going, so uh bye." I smilea awkwardly and turns but he grabs my arm.

"Are you coming back tomorrow?"

"Um. Yeah, probably every day. Why do you not want me there?"

"No no, good its good you're coming. Okay well im gonna let you go." He leans in and hugs me, leaving a kiss on my cheek. He walks away, and I stand there stunned as Lucy watches me. I stiffly turn and walk to her and the car. We get in and we drive to our house.


"Please don't. Not right now anyway. Im too tired"

"Okay." She laughs at my embarrassed look.

We reach home and the minute I reach my bed I flop onto it and start thinking about him. Ben. Did that mean anything, or was he just being nice, is the last thing I think of before im out cold.

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