Chapter 4

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We head to the set of live aid. The boys go out onto the stage to start filming, while Lucy sits in her cast chair and I sit in Ben's beside her. Halfway through their filming, she has to go and film her scenes. I sit, watching them all perform. I glance at Ben playing the drums, and holy mother of god, he's hot. Wait what no. nuh uh you cant think that. I shake my head and take out my phone to distract myself. Over the top of my phone I see the boys and Lucy coming towards me for a break.

"Um, I didn't know you're name was Ben. I think that's my chair." He smirks. I clear my throat and try to muster up the deepest British accent I can.

"Why yes, my name is Ben Hardy and I am playing Roger Taylor, the amazing drummer, yet I don't know how to play the drums." I imitate his accent, smiling and raising my eyebrows.

"Uh, how did you know?"

"I just do." I smirk.

"Um, ok. And I do not sound like that!" he grouches.

"You kinda do. She got it almost spot on." Lucy cuts in. causing Ben to cross his arms and frown.

"Oh my god." I huff getting up off his chair. I grab his arm and sit him in the chair, but before I can take a step back he pulls me to sit on his lap.

"oi, stop. We're gonna break the chair." I manage to get out while laughing.

"We will be fine." he whispers into my hair as he wraps his arms around me. suddenly I hear a snap and the chair comes falling down, taking us with it. I fall off him onto my back and wind myself. I lay on the ground in agony as I struggle to breathe. Even though it was a small fall, it winded me like a bitch. I sit up trying to breathe, pawing at my throat. I get little hiccups of breaths, but not big enough to breathe. Tears pour down my face, with the worry of the worst. Ben comes to my side and rubs my back.

"y/n, y/n. you're ok. Just breathe. Just calm down. You're going to be ok. Just calm down." His words and his voice are just enough to calm me down. I start to feel my lungs inflating and deflating. Eventually, I start to breathe regularly again. I look up and notice everyone standing around me, with worried looks on their faces. I look to Ben, who is still rubbing my back and holding my hand. He grabs the side of my face and wipes my tears with his thumb. I look into his bright green eyes and lean into his chest, resting my forehead on his shoulder, while he wraps his arms around my back. A few minutes pass and I lean back and stand up. Ben follows. He puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah. Better now, thank you." I hug him and face to Lucy and hug her.

"Oh my gosh. Im so glad you're ok."

We head out to the trailers and hang out in Lucy's. Once everyone finishes all their scenes, we all drive back to mine and Lucy's house. We pull into the drive way with the boys behind us. Walking into the warm house, the men look around at our very nice place. Everyone sits on the couch or on arm chairs and just talk. Seeing as there is no filming tomorrow, we decide that we could drink. I head to the kitchen

"Who wants what?" I yell around the wall.

"bring beer and wine!" I hear a yelled reply. I grab the beer and the wine and walk back into the living room. I set everything on the coffee table and sit down on the couch next to Ben.

"So what have you's decided we're going to do?" I ask, opening my beer bottle with my teeth. Everyone stares in shock.

"What?" I say, taking a drink.

"Um, you know that can break you're teeth right." Ben says, just as he puts an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"And you know that can kill you right? Sorry no smoking here." I say pulling the object out of his mouth and throwing it into the bin perfectly across the room. He rolls his eyes and sighs.

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