Chapter 3

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sorry this chapter sucks. im really tired rn and i felt like i needed to publish something


I wake up to both mine and lucy's alarms. I turn it off and struggle to get out of my warm comfy bed. I finally swing my legs over the edge and place my feet on the cold, hard wood floor, sending shivers down my spine. My feet get used to the feeling and I walk out into the living room, no sign of Lucy. I put on the kettle. I walk down the hall to lucy's room to find her sound asleep. I creep to her bed and jump on top of her giving her a fright. She sits up and rubs her eyes, giving me a glare.

"Come on luc, you're the one filming. Maybe I should just play Mary. You know? The one that gets to kiss Rami?" I tease. She blushes and has an angry look on her face.

"h-how did you know?" she becomes all embarrassed.

"Come on dude, you're my best friend, I know when you like someone." I give her a smile. "anyway, get up, we need to leave soon." I pat her leg and walk out into the kitchen getting myself ready for the day. I finish my breakfast and go to my room, finding what clothes to wear. I go with a pair of jeans and an oversized button-down shirt. I barely put makeup on, except covering a few spots and a little mascara. I grab my sneakers and check the time.

"Shit! Lucy, we need to leave!" I yell to her. No response. I run to her room and find her asleep. I grab her sheets and pull them off her, causing her to sit up.

"seriously, we need to be there in 5 minutes. Just put some uggs on and get to the car." She gets out of bed and races to get a pair of shoes. Shes going to get makeup and clothes on set anyway so she doesn't need to worry about it. we race to the car and I get in the driver's seat, seeing as Lucy is still half asleep. I possibly barley ran a red light but iss all good. We finally get to set, 10 minutes late. We rush Lucy inside and get annoyed looks from people as we make noise and mess. She starts getting ready and I take a walk around set, not finding anyone. I go to the trailers and knock on all the doors until I get to Rami's. I knock and almost instantly he opens the door. The huge smile across his face fades a little, but its still there. He gestures for me to come in, so I do. I look around to see the three other boys hanging out too.

"What, did you not want to see me?" I say turning back to Rami, with a smirk on my face.

"What?" He asks confused. I give out a little laugh.

"You had a big smile and then saw me, and it left." My eyebrows furrowing in question.

"Oh no. I thought maybe you were uh someone else." He mumbles looking at the ground, rubbing his neck.

"Hmm, someone I know? Maybe someone you like, but don't want to admit it?" I tease him, raising my eyebrows.

"What, no. and don't talk to me about liking someone and not admitting it. either of you." He says pointing between Ben and myself. Ben's face goes red. Mine does too.

"what are you on about? I met Ben yesterday." I laugh throwing my hands in the air, I glance at Ben, noticing he has a disappointed look on his face.

"mhm sure." Gwilym says from behind me.

"Ugh, come. On." I open the door and walk out, to go find Lucy. On my way there, I feel a hand on my shoulder turning me around.


"Hi Ben. what are you doing?"

"I need to get hair and costume done, so I decided I'd go now." He gives an awkward smile.

"ok." Awkward silence again. We reach the hair sand costume studio and fortunately, Lucy is there.

"Hey y- oh hi ben." she gives me a smirk. I death stare her, signalling for her to stop. I sit in the chair next to her on my phone. Ben leaves for a second and comes back out. I look in the mirror infront of me, showing a shirtless, Ben Hardy.

"Woah, woah, woah mate." My cheeks start turning pink.

"what not enjoying the view?" Ben says as he walks between mine and lucy's chairs.

"I don't know about you but I am." Lucy laughs and slaps Ben's chest so hard, that it makes a loud noise and leaves a hand mark.

"Dude, come one. That hurt." Ben frowns, rubbing his hand marked chest.

"Sorry." Lucy sinks down into her seat. I don't know that i have been staring until Ben, clears his throat to get my attention.

"That answers my question." He slips his costume shirt on and sits in the chair next to me, still smiling at my stupid self. I sit between the two, getting their hair done, while I sit on my phone. I turn it to camera an take a video of them, both giving silly looks to the camera, but Ben eventually gives me the most adorable smile you could ever see, making my heart melt.

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