f i v e

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-double update because i really want this story to start!(and bc im amazing) please vote and comment your thoughts love yaaa-

"Luke wake up!" Liz opened the door room harshly.

The blonde grumbled turning around in his bed. He wanted to sleep forever because he could be in his own little world, where Jack was still alive and everything was just fine. It was better than to be in real life.

"Sweetheart you have to go to college."

"No, leave me alone." He growled.

Liz sighed and she opened the curtains roughly, she took off Luke's cover and the blonde sat on his bed.

"Mum..." He rubbed his eyes. "Please don't make me go."

"You have to baby." She sat on his bed pulling Luke on a tight hug. "Nothing will change if you stay in bed all day, you need to pull yourself together, it's been a week now."

"I can't." He sighed.

"Yes." She kissed his forehead. "Yes you can, Jack wouldn't like this and you know it."

Luke frowned, his brother's name was hard to hear but he had to deal with it now. This week had been anything but easy, everyone was sad and crying while Luke's dad was mad at him after what happened to the funeral, the young Hemmings apologized multiple times though, but Andy wasn't cooperative.

Luke made his way downstairs, his father was already eating breakfast while reading the newspaper. Luke sighed and he entered the kitchen tensed.

"Morning." He said grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Morning." Andy replied without looking at his son.

"Dad... I'm so sorry okay?" Luke sighed while sitting at the kitchen table. "It wasn't my fault, I took the damn pills." Andy had his eyes glued on the newspaper and Luke tried not to rip the thing out of his hands. "Dad, please." He said grabbing his head into his hands. "I need you." 

"Have a good day at school Lucas." Andy said before leaving for work.

Luke shoved his cup of coffee out of the table and it exploded on the floor in a loud noise, coffee was dripping on the floor and Luke had to clench his fists to not throw a chair through the kitchen. He breathed a few times, counting in his head to relax. 

"Is everything okay?" Liz asked coming in. "What happened?" She asked pointing at the mess on the floor.

"Nothing, it's okay I'll clean that mum." 

And so he did, he crouching to grab the pieces Liz watching him sadly. She knew it wasn't an accident.

"I've talked to dad you know, but he won't listen to me." She sighed helping the young boy to clean. "He needs some time, that's all." She said cupping Luke's cheeks and rubbing her thumb.

"Maybe I should leave for a while." Luke asked quietly. "I could go live at Ben's or something." He said scratching his neck.

"No Lukey, it's your home here!" Liz frowned.

"I know, but..." He sighed. "Maybe a little break from each other would help everyone." 

Liz nodded reluctantly and then she hugged her son before leaving for work. Luke was left alone in the kitchen, watching Lenny sleep near the fridge. He couldn't explain to the little dog that Jack would not be back, and that was frustrating him because the puppy was waiting for him to come home. But Jack won't come home.


After school Luke directly drove to Ashton's because he was sad and the brunette was always so good at cheering him up.

"Hey." Luke smiled when Ashton opened the door.

"Hi Lu." Ashton smiled and the blonde kissed his cheek. "You okay?"

Luke shrugged and they went to the living-room, Ashton already made hot chocolate so they just sat on the sofa and they talked about Luke's dad and about how hard it was to live at the Hemmings' house nowadays.

"Maybe you should come here for a while." Ashton asked.

"What?" Luke frowned. "No, I can't Ash, it's nice of you but I don't want to impose myself here." He said shyly.

"Aw c'mon!" Ashton brushed Luke's knee with his right hand. "It'll be fun! Plus I just bought a new bed for the guest room so there's plenty of room for you!"

Luke smiled hesitantly, he wasn't sure if he should accept or not, of course, it would be nice to live with Ashton, but he had to bring Lenny and Luke wasn't kind of funny these days he surely wouldn't be a pleasant company.

"But I'd have to bring Lenny, I can't let him with my parents..." Luke said fidgeting with his cup.

"So?" Ashton raised an eyebrow. "I don't see any problem here."

"You're sure?" Luke insisted. "I'm not really myself at the moment." He sighed, slouching on the sofa. "I'm always crying and my IED is worst than ever." He 

"I don't care, you're my friend and you need me right now, so I'll be there for you Luke." He smiled.

"Thank you so m-much." Luke said his voice breaking at the end.

"Aw come here little one." Ashton said opening his arms. 

Luke snuggled his body against Ashton's one and they stayed like this, tangled together on the sofa watching stupid tv shows until night time and then Luke drove to the Hemmings' house with Ashton to take all of his things. His mum was a little bit upset but she understood that he needed some time away from the family. Andy didn't say much he just wished his son a good night and then he left into his room.

On the way back home the two boys stopped at Macca's and they ate together, giggling, being all dorky and sharing love-filled looks along with shaky smiles, it was nice and for a while and Luke forgot about his brother.

The next morning Luke woke up in Ashton's guest room, all of his stuffs were still in bags and the room was a total disaster with clothes hanging from the desk and books everywhere but for once in a long time Luke had a great night, he really slept well and everything seemed fine, Luke was okay he really felt okay. He was safe in Ashton's house, and maybe his life was a mess but maybe everything would end up just fine for him.

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