e p i l o g u e

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-hi! i'm back and i'm so so so sorry it took me ages to finish this story i have no excuses i just apologies because i know how frustrating it is when a story is unfinished but here it is! finally! this is so so fluffy and i'm sorry if it makes you cringe haha, it's also kinda small but it's the best i could do.-

-this is gonna be my last fiction, i can't write anymore i just want to read, and if (like me) you're reading fanfic 24/7 i suggest you to visit AO3 that's where i found the prettiest fanfictions ever and I'm telling you it's so different from wattpad!-

-anyway i think i'll still write here and there in my os books i have many plots ready and when i feel like it i'll write them i promise-

-sorry this was a long note, thank you so much for being here, i can't thank you guys enough. i love you all and i hope you'll like this last chapter.-


"Lu?" Ashton whispered a hand softly on Luke's shoulder. "Are you ready to go?"

Luke shrugged, still sat on the green grass in front of Jack's grave in the cemetery. Ashton and Luke were moving out to Perth today. Ashton was super excited because it was a new opportunity for his job, but Luke wasn't really sure. Of course, they talked about this during endless nights and Ashton promised that he could just refuse the job, but deep down Luke knew that Ashton wanted that job more than anything. Plus Luke just graduated from college and a change of scenery couldn't be that bad for him.

What was bothering Luke the most was Jack, he would be so far away now and even if it had been one year since his death, Luke was still in mourning and he needed to come here at least once per month just to be near him.

"Look..." Ashton said while he sat close to Luke, slipping an arm around his boyfriend's waist. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to..." He sighed softly dropping a kiss on Luke's temple. "We-we can make this work somehow." Luke whimpered, holding on on a sob. "Or we can stay here." Ashton said pressing him closer. "I-I don't have to accept this job, love if it's too soon for you I-"

"No, no it's your dream I can't just ask you to do this, I can't take that from you, it's unfair." Luke said fidgeting with the hem of his coat. It was too soon for him, but in his guts, he felt like it was still the right thing to do, he needed to do this for Ashton after everything he did for him. He needed Ashton to know that he would do anything for him.

"Yeah it may be my dream but it's not worth it if you're not here with me." The brunette said replacing one of Luke's curls behind his ear. "You know you don't have to do anything that you don't want to right? I'm not forcing you into this, I hope you don't feel pressured because you can say no Luke." He pressed his forehead against Luke's one. "You can say no."

"I wanna be with you." He said quietly, head resting on Ashton's shoulder. "I'm just... Scared I guess because I grew up here and I still feel like I need my mum every day, even if I know that I'm doing just fine without her."

Ashton sighed before pressing another kiss on Luke's forehead. It was hard for Ashton to see his boyfriend like this, so unsure of what to do, but Ashton was understanding and he was willing to give Luke all the time he needed, even if he had to go to Perth on his own.

"I love you." Ashton whispered like a secret only Luke could hear. "All I want is you to be happy, e-even if it's without me."

"I love you more." Luke said with a weak smile. Luke was sure that Ashton could see the gears through his mind, it was so difficult for the blonde to leave his life here, to go somewhere new and to start all over again, he would be far from his parents, Ben and he could definitely not visit Jack when he would feel like everything is falling apart. But looking into the hazel eyes right now he knew that it was the best thing to do. He loved Ashton so much, the boy was Luke's future and if Luke had to let the past behind to focus on the future, to be with Ashton, then he would do it.

"I'll never be happy if I'm away from you." Luke smiled softly, tracing his finger on Ashton's cheek."Can I have a few minutes to say goodbye?" He asked.

"Sure." Ashton kissed his cheek. "I'll wait in the car." He said, before unzipping his jacket and dropping it into Luke's shoulders. The younger boy smiled shyly and Ashton gave him a last kiss on the top of his head before disappearing to the car.

"So I guess I'm leaving then..." The blond said. "I'm sorry I don't want to leave you behind but mom says that I have to live my own life... I think she's right." He sighed. "And I want to be with Ashton." Luke hugged his knees with a small smile on his pink lips. "I promise you I'll be living one life for the two of us."


The journey to Perth was quiet, Luke scrolled on his phone lazily and Ashton hummed on the songs blasting inside the car. It was pretty peaceful and Luke's favourite thing to do was grabbing Ashton's chin when they were stopping at a red light, the light stubble of Ashton's face brushing on Luke's soft skin and the plump lips against his own made Luke's heart beat loudly against his chest every single time.

They drove for hours, with Lenny asleep on the backseat, snoring lightly and without a worry in the world. Luke liked to watch him sleep it was peaceful, and he could let his mind wandering.

They arrived at their apartment in the middle of the night. Ashton was exhausted and Luke craved for a bed as well. They grabbed a few covers from the trunk with two pillows and Luke took Lenny in his arms.

They unlocked their new home and crashed into their bed. The moon was already high in the sky and it was really dark outside.

Luke curled against Ashton's chest and the brunette tugged the cover onto Luke's body, burying his nose into the soft curls while the younger Hemmings pushed his lover closer.

"You okay?" Ashton asked softly a hand in Luke's hair and the other one stroking his back softly.

"Sleepy." He grumbled. His eyelids were heavy and his mind blurry.

"I'm so happy you're here." Ashton whispered.

"Where else would I be?" Luke answered.

"I don't know..." Ashton sighed. His finger sliding gently on Luke's cheek. "Home."

Luke smiled sweetly, pressing his face harder into Ashton's chest and sighing in delight. He was happy right now, so so happy.

He still had a disorder and he would probably deal with it until his last breath, his brother was still dead and it was still hurting like hell, of course, life wasn't easy, it was messy and difficult, it seemed insurmountable sometimes but right now, in Ashton's arms in their little apartment, he was happy and he wouldn't change a thing.

"I'm home now."

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