One of Us

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WARNING: This story contains scenes of violence (including instances of slight abuse) and other upsetting content. Viewer discretion is advised. This is also the first draft, so any events may be subject to changes later on. 

"P-please, I'll do anything!" the man cried out, begging on his knees in front of one of the most powerful crime bosses in all of Seoul. The man was beaten up, with holes in his new pale pink cashmere suit. The boss looked down upon the man, smirking. His large cheeks grew as he chuckled, kicking his feet off the desk and strutting over to the man. His shoes clicked merrily on the concrete floor until the soles came in contact with the man's nose. He flew back with great force but was not fazed. He bowed, digging his forehead into the ground with determination as he begged for his company's 'life'.

"What did I tell you? I gave you a month. But it seems like you never paid me back. How unfortunate." The boss beamed and his voice almost sounded innocent. He had a rather young face for a gang leader, yet he still struck fear into not only his customers but also his followers.

"Junnie!" the boss called in a cutesy tone, waving his hand childishly at the tall man lurking behind the cracked door. The man walked in, his wide eyes glancing over the trembling man on the ground. "Get him out of here." His voice grew dark and his eyes hooded. Jun nodded and gripped the man by his shoulders, escorting him out with a harsh shove. Once the man could be heard getting beat up down on the ground level of the complex, the boss returned to his rolling office chair, slamming his feet on the desk with satisfaction. He sighed gracefully. Another job well-done.


"Hey, underclassman," a voice called out to Chan, who was simply trying to get some peace and quiet in the school library so he could finish this science project. This long-haired freak wouldn't stop bothering him about how 'cute' and 'baby-like' he was, only because he was a few years younger. Chan simply ignored him and continued writing down his thesis for his part. It was a group project, but he was the only member that ever got anything done. Vernon, or Hansol, if you wanted to use his real name, was a school bad boy who rarely ever showed up to class and yet Chan was still grouped with him. His other teammate, Seungkwan, was a rather passive boy who did the very minimum as soon as it was assigned. Chan ended up going through Seungkwan's work, changing it and adding more detail. He always ended up doing all the work.

"I'm talking to you, Channie," he said again. Chan was so fed up with this guy that he spun around in his seat so fast that the guy flinched. "There's my baby!"

"Stop talking to me like that, Jeonghan, it's embarrassing."

"C'mon, we've been in all the same classes this year," he smiled, "we're practically best friends!"

Chan scoffed, "on what planet?" and resumed his work without any further interruptions. Just as he finished writing the next sentence, the lunch bell rang. Chan groaned, collecting his things and rushing out to get into the lunch line. Today was pizza Friday.

Once he got his nearly cold for-sure-microwaved slice, he went into the bathrooms that no one else really used. During lunch, people tend to stay in one area, so Chan went all the way to the other side of the school to eat in his own isolated bathroom. It was his slice of heaven. He somehow came into the possession of a staff bathroom key after it fell off of his math teacher's key ring without him noticing. Chan thought it was the perfect opportunity to get away from the other devil students any time he wanted.

Sitting alone in the secured bathroom, Chan happily ate his meal while still putting finishing touched on his thesis. Chan liked to escape from the crowds of people who were constantly looking down on him, judging him. He was one of the top students in his class, but also one of the youngest, as he had skipped a grade. He was mocked a lot of the time and bullied, so he enjoyed getting away from it all.

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