A Good Man

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"Um, guys, I just ran into he-who-shall-not-be-named."

"Lee Jihoon?" Seokmin and Joshua yelled simultaneously. Chan instantly shushed them, scared that the evil entity was looming around the corner, waiting to strike like a panther. The boys covered their mouths, also very aware of the stalking nature of Jihoon.

"I heard of a girl who spilled her ice coffee on him in the cafeteria last week," said Seokmin, "apparently when she got home, her hamster was dead!" Joshua gasped in fright at the thought of a poor innocent animal being murdered by Jihoon. Chan rolled his eyes and laughed at them being overly-dramatic.

"I'm sure that was just a coincidence," he said. But was it really? Chan didn't want to know what he'd come home to tonight.

"No way, man. It was squished to death."

Joshua thought for a second and slapped Seokmin's arm. "She said her younger brother sat on it, you idiot!"

Seokmin giggled and rubbed his arm, embarrassed about his mistake. In the middle of his laughing, the coach finally showed up and practice began. Chan actually had a nice time talking to them and playing.


Once Chan was all sweaty and tired, he left again to shower and change to head home. On his way to the locker room, he noticed a figure in the stands. It was a single person in all black. The thought of it being Jihoon ran through Chan's mind, so he ran as fast as he could to the showers to possibly lose his gaze. In the locker room, it wasn't much better. Joshua had left earlier due to some kind of appointment, so it was just Seokmin and Chan in the locker room. They both were quietly getting dressed and lacing up their shoes, but the air seemed cold with tension. The eerie atmosphere made Chan shiver, as it was the perfect place for a murder to happen.

Seokmin said goodbye as Chan was dressing. He was too embarrassed to ask him to stay a little longer, scared that he would be called a wuss. The room was quiet again. Chan quickly dressed and packed up his things. But what stopped his was a hand that was softly placed on his shoulder. He didn't have much time to react, but he did lurch forward in an attempt to run away from the person who he assumed was Jihoon. The figure chased after him, weaving through lockers after Chan. He was breathing so fast, his heart had never beat so much, he felt every molecule of adrenaline coursing through his bloodstream.

"It's just me!" the man called out. Chan continued to bolt like he was in the Olympics, trying to figure out exactly who 'me' was. It suddenly came to him and his brakes turned on, heels digging into the concrete floor.

"T-The8?" he panted.

"Yes, dummy. God, you can really run," he said, also out of breath. He doubled over from exhaustion, hands supporting his weight on his knees. They stood there panting for a number of minutes before The8 started again. "We need to see the boss."

Chan looked up at him. His eyes were serious and sharp like a fishing hook, holding onto Chan's gaze. His cool and stern expression made Chan wonder if his voice was actually that soft and light. If you were to just hear his voice, you'd think he was a sweetheart who loved plushies and picnics, but in reality, he was a prime example of scorn and seriousness. Chan thought that maybe if he smiled and didn't furrow his eyebrows together he would be much friendlier looking, but he knew that wouldn't happen.

There wasn't really a choice in that situation, Chan had to go to Hoshi. He grew a little sick thinking about the man yanking and yanking and yanking at his scalp that became sore just at the thought of it. He grew a little shaky as they entered the building that Chan was previously dragged into against his will. They walked through the lobby and Chan saw the bench that he sat on a week ago with two men who were tending to his wounds that that boss had caused. The8 led Chan up the many flights of stairs that led to the office. The door was ajar; Chan saw Hoshi inside with Jun, whispering furiously at him. He couldn't make out the words that he said, but he knew that Jun was being scolded for something he did. His head was pointed down, looking at the ground absently.

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