I'm Sorry

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The next morning came slowly. Chan was up most of the night, worried that Hoshi or Jun or The8 would show up at Jeonghan's house. He wasn't scared for his own safety, but rather his friend's. He bit his lip as the sun shone into the room, illuminating Jeonghan's sleeping form. He was snoring lightly on his side, oblivious to the danger Chan may have put him in. 

Jeonghan's alarm went off, disturbing the silence of the room. The boy groaned as he woke up, stretching his long arms so far they seemed to bend backward at the elbows. He rubbed his eyes carelessly and laid his eyes on Chan, who pretended to still be asleep. He was scared about the day to come. It was only Tuesday, after all. He would need to go to class and face them with a messed up face. Then, he would face The8. Only Gods knows what would happen with that exchange. And later that night, he would have to go home and tell his parents how he fell down the stairs so something like that. Chan knew that it would be a long day.

"Channie, wake up. We have to go to school," whispered Jeonghan, smiling kindly at the boy. He was only doing it to try and ease the tension, and Chan knew it. He sighed and begrudgingly sat up, and slumped over on the floor. Jeonghan observed him carefully as he moved his tired and aching body. "You okay?"

"Ah, yeah, just really sore," said Chan as he rotated his shoulder slowly, testing out how far he could move it before it hurt. Spoiler alert: it wasn't very far. His whole body hurt, especially his face, which he knew was terribly bruised and discolored. 

"Your face is pretty messed up," commented Jeonghan. "Let's see if I can do anything about that." He moved quickly over to his dresser where he pulled out several cosmetic items and brushes. He gazed over at Chan for a second, then shook his head, pulling out a different product than the one he had before. He came over to Chan and plopped down in front of him. 

He applied each product to Chan's face with extreme delicacy. Every now and then he would lean back and view his work. After around 10 minutes, Jeonghan stood up and placed his hands on his hips.

"You're done! Go have a look." Chan went to the mirror above Jeonghan's dresser and saw a perfectly fine face. He was pale and a single tone, but you could not see any of the bruising on his face. The only thing that seemed off was that his eye and nose seemed a little swollen, but other than that, he looked perfectly fine. He was shocked that Jeonghan and the power of makeup could cover up so much. 

"Geez, thanks, Jeonghan." 


Jeonghan drove the two of them to school, but before they arrived, Jeonghan stopped at the coffee shop that Chan liked. Mingyu was working that morning just like the other day. His coworker was also there. Chan finally could read his nametag, which read "Wonwoo". The tall and handsome man seemed rather reserved during the boys' orders, but it a surprisingly pleasant way. 

Chan decided to get a more sugary drink, which was unlike him, but he was in such a funk he thought it might help him out. It was a type of caramel macchiato with whipped cream on top and some chocolate shavings. As he sipped the drink in the car, his eyes widened and he cracked a small smile. 

"Haha, is it that good?" Jeonghan asked, smirking over at Chan as he pulled into the school parking lot. Chan nodded enthusiastically as he drank nearly half of the sugary beverage in less than a minute. Jeonghan laughed at him and got out of the car. 

Class was a bit awkward for Chan. Some people noticed that Chan looked a little off, especially the girls who could tell he was wearing makeup, but he shrugged it off and tried to pay attention to his studies. The8 was there, too, but Chan avoided any form of contact with him, especially eye contact. He couldn't face him after what happened the night before. He went through the day rather distantly, avoiding basically anyone except Jeonghan, who occasionally tried to make a pun to cheer him up. 

Chan desperately wanted to tell Jeonghan what happened the night before, but he was scared. Not only was he scared of Jeonghan getting involved in the situation, but he was also scared that Jeonghan would think poorly of him. Technically, Chan was in a gang, so would Jeonghan think he was a bad influence or, even worse, a bad person? At that point, it didn't matter, because Chan would never tell him the truth. He just couldn't. 

When he returned home that afternoon, he noticed in, his mother called him from another room. 

"Chan, is that you? I hope you had fun at your friend's last night. He's here now, he said you forgot something. I hope you don't mind, but I offered him some coffee!"

Chan thought nothing of this comment at first but then realized that he never brought anything to Jeonghan's last night. He walked into the living room to see Jeonghan but halted at the door when he saw who was sitting on the couch, drinking a steaming cup of coffee with his mother: Jun. Jun turned slowly to meet Chan's gaze. To Chan's surprise, he didn't smirk or sneer but pleasantly said "hello" with a sweet, small smile. 

"Hello, Jun," Chan said in a weak voice, staring helplessly at the man in the living room. He was baffled. Jun stood up and handed Chan a small folded piece of paper, still holding his small charming smile. His wide eyes told Chan that the letter was very important. 

"Oh, Jun, dear," said Chan's mother, rushing to the tall man's side, "would you like to join us for dinner? You are so charming, we would love to have you!"

"Oh, no thank you, ma'am, I shouldn't impose," said Jun, obviously a little taken about.

"I insist, Chan would love to have you too," encouraged his mother. 

"No," Jun told her, sternly, but still in a pleasant manner, "my dad is expecting me at home, I'm very sorry. Maybe another time, though. Chan, I will be seeing you later. Sorry about last night."

Jun patted Chan's shoulder before strutting over to the front door and leaving. Chan watches him as he left, as his mother berated him for not being nicer to his friend. He turned her out and unfolded the little triangle of paper his hand. All the paper said was "I am so sorry. Hoshi is a good man."

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