Party Time

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There was a knock on the door. Chan froze.

Was it his mother who forgot something? Was it a stranger? Was it a gang member? Who knows. Chan slowly crept over to the massive wood door that, if flung open, could probably knock him out. He cursed because he knew that a peephole would be very beneficial at that moment. He gazed out of the shut blinds, just barely, but couldn't see all the way to where the person was standing. Chan thought that maybe the person went away, so he returned back to the couch and started to ease his adrenaline spike. But he was wrong; another knock echoed around the room. The boy jumped and cursed again.

He decided to open it this time. With a face wrinkled with anger, he flung the door open to . . .

. . . Jeonghan with a soft smile. Chan instantly knew he messed up, so he apologetically bowed to Jeonghan for the nasty look he unintentionally gave him.

"What are you doing here?" Chan asked in a soft voice, surprised by his classmate's appearance at his house, but also not wanting to come off as rude.

"Sorry to come unannounced, but I thought you could use some company! And I brought a friend, I hope you don't mind," Jeonghan said, coming inside without even asking. When he moved, a kid behind him followed as well, not even looking at Chan until they were all behind the closed front door.

Chan looked at the kid, whose pink hair looked awfully familiar.

"Lee... Jihoon?" The short senior whipped around and assaulted Chan once more with his small but ever so intense eyes.

"Dammit, not this punk again!" Jihoon yelled, turning back around to Jeonghan. "This is the kid who ran into me!"

"Oh, really?" Jeonghan tried to suppress his laughs but failed when a snort was let out. "I had no idea about that."

Jihoon looked like he was about to explode into a flurry of flames and fire, destroying Chan's house and even the whole neighborhood. The two could feel the steam coming out of his ears.

"You long-haired snake! You knew about this!" Jihoon yelled, looking around to grab the nearest item to beat Jeonghan up with. Panicking, Chan tried to grab the boy's waist to stop him from making his house into a crime scene. Jeonghan, on the other hand, lost his will to hold in his laughs and full on cackled at the sight of tiny Jihoon being lifted up by Chan. Even though all of the screaming and shrieking, the three heard the doorbell ring and stopped all movement.

Chan chuckled awkwardly.

"Anyone want some pizza?"


The three of them sat on the small couch while munching on cheese pizza. Jihoon gave Chan crap about how pepperoni was the only way to eat pizza, but he just shrugged it off. Jihoon went to take a big bite of his pizza while it was still hot, so Chan warned him that he'd burn himself. In retaliation, he looked Chan dead in his eyes and took a massive bite of the pizza. He chewed for a minute before his eyes began to tear up. He opened his mouth like a fish out of water and fanned it rapidly. Jeonghan, of course, laughed a little but shut up when Jihoon punched him in the arm.

"So, why are you guys really here?"

"Well," started Jeonghan. Chan knew that when he started it was a half-baked excuse. "I thought it would be interesting if we all got together. You and Jihoon seemed to really kick it off."

Jihoon glared at Jeonghan in such a way that it reminded him of his gang members. Jihoon could have totally joined a gang if he wanted to, he certainly was scary enough to get what he wanted.

"Besides," Jeonghan said, "I missed my baby Channie!" Back at it again with babying Chan, eh? Did it surprise him? Not one bit. Chan just rolled his eyes and continued to eat his pizza. It was rather good, Chan thought. "Hey, how about we go out?"

"Um," stuttered Chan, " I'm not allowed to go out without telling anyone."

Jihoon laughed, "you really are a baby."

Chan was offended at his statement, so he decided to put his foot down. He agreed to sneak out with the two other boys. Jeonghan bolted up in triumph and grabbed his friend's hands and ripped them through the door in under a second. Then they were walking around at night, going into town.

"Alright, boys," giggled Jeonghan, wearing a nasty smirk that made Chan's stomach drop. He knew that that boy had nothing good running through his head at the moment. He knew that they were about to do something illegal or disruptive. "Let's get the real party started!"

There were many expressive brand stores downtown. Jihoon looked into the windows of every single one with a strange expression on his face. He almost looked disappointed. Chan decided to stay quiet and not question him. He didn't need to come to school with a black eye tomorrow.

The night was actually rather mild. They went and snuck into a movie without paying, got ice cream, and scammed a vending machine. It was all harmless teenage things that Chan was supposed to experience in the next few years of his teenage life. For once he felt free of all the burdens in his life and he felt like he belonged, even with a cranky Jihoon constantly mocking him. Once the night was over, Jihoon and he had a weird friendship, one of making fun of each other and rolling eyes.

The boys dropped Chan off at his house and continued to walk down the sidewalk. They said that they wanted to hang out all night, but Chan said he should get home. The lights were out in Chan's house, so he quietly unlocked the door and tiptoed inside. Once he closed the door behind him, the lights turned on and his parents were behind him.

"And where were you, young man?" scolded his father. Chan sighed and turn around, avoiding eye contact with them. His heart started beating like a drum and his bangs felt damp.

"I'm sorry."

His father sighed and rubbed his temples like he had a migraine. "Okay, I'll let it slide this once. You're a good kid, every kid sneaks out at some point. Just... go to your room." That's all it took for Chan to storm upstairs. He fell onto his bed and buried himself in his blankets, closing his eyes as tight as he could. He wanted all of that night to be a dream but at the same time, he didn't regret it. It was the most fun he had had in a while. Just before he faded into sleep, he thought that maybe he should do it again.


Even though Chan snuck out, he wasn't grounded over the weekend. He slept in again because no one woke him up, too. The house was empty besides for Chan. He didn't know where they went, but he didn't really care either. He came downstairs and made breakfast in his boxers. It was a quiet morning that was actually rather pleasant for him. After a night of excitement, all he wanted was a day of relaxation. But it didn't really go as planned...

Sure, the beginning was fine and dandy, but once noon hit, it was all downhill from there. Chan got dressed in a black shirt and some old jeans to start off. He brushed his hair that was now becoming a little too long. He noticed that he looked a little paler than usual. He went out on a walk around town and was reminded of the fun night he had. He smiled at the thought of it running through his mind.

There was a coffee shop that Chan had been wanting to go to for some time, so he thought that was the day. He walked inside and felt the warmth of the coffee hug him. The room was filled with so many good smells that made Chan feel warm inside. After ordering an Americano, Chan sat down and waited for his name to be called. He chose a table near the back of the cafe, but still in a place where he could see the door. He watched as the barista prepared his drink out of curiosity. The man was tall with extremely dark hair. He was rather handsome, with sharp eyes and a tan face. His nametag read "Mingyu".

Another worker came out of the back room with a crate full of coffee syrups and brought them over to Mingyu. The two chatted inaudibly and laughed gently at something Mingyu said. They seemed like good friends.

Chan sat down with his piping hot drink, enjoying the feeling against his cold fingers. He held the cup close to his chest, savoring the warmth and sweet smell of coffee. He closed his eyes and imagined how it would be to work in a nice little coffee shop, surrounded by nice people and wonderful coffees from all over the world. When he opened them up again, his eyes landed on Mingyu, who happened to be curiously staring at him from across the room. He quickly looked away, embarrassed. 

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