The Nightmares

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Harry jerked awake with a start. He looked wildly around his room, no Wormtail or Voldemort anywhere! He saw his usual dark room to his relief. Harry grabbed his dream journal off his bedside and quickly jotted the dream down. He debated about telling Sirius, but the man did enough for him as it was.

He was just placed into the mans care two weeks ago. He knew from his family that waking someone else up was considered very rude. Harry was still scared, so he took a few deep breaths to calm himself. At least Harry didn't wake up screaming, he couldn't take the humiliation if he did that.

Ten minutes later, Harry was still restless. He was told by Sirius several times to talk to him. The man was always understanding about everything. Even when he spoke a bit about the Dursley's mean habits. Sirius was always the one there to kiss his cheek and provide him with comfort and affection he never knew growing up. Despite being almost 14, Harry loved all the affectionate displays, even the public ones.

Harry sighed again, turning onto his back. Few moments later, nothing. He couldn't understand why he was being so stubborn, Sirius already proved he was different. Yet, Harry still felt afraid, and he felt stupid for feeling that way. Harry groaned in annoyance as he flipped onto his stomach.

This will be a long nigh...


"Morning Harry, you sleep alright?" Sirius noticed the boys energy was different than usual.

Harry nodded quickly. "Oh yes, my bed is soo comfy."

Sirius narrowed his eyes but chose not to comment. "Eat up Pup. You are way too skinny for my liking."

"I will never deny food from you." Harry gave him the adoreable look that always made Sirius melt.

"Ill have Dobby make us pancakes." Sirus smiled.

"Ok!" Harry exclaimed jumping out of bed. When the man had left the room, Harry released a long heavy sigh. He shut his eyes and found himself momentarily in that room again.

"Are you getting dressed?" Sirius asked.

Harry's eyes snapped open, "Be right down!"

"Any plans today?" Sirius asked setting the pancakes down.

"I was thinking of visiting Hermione today." Harry said shyly.

"Of course you can. Just be sure to be home by dinner. Where does she live?" Sirius asked.

"In London. But, since shes in a Muggle house, the Floo Network hasnt been connected to her house." Harry replied

"No worries, I have a way to get you there. Take my arm." Sirius smiled

Harry looked at him suspiciously. "Im not pulking your leg. Grab on, and hold tightly."

Harry took Sirius' arm as they spun on the spot. They appeared outside a white two story house.

"Brilliant, thanks Sirius."

"I will come get you by 6 30 mind you." Sirius smiled ruffling the boys hair.

"Stop!" Harry laughed

"Just like James, I see." Sirius chuckled. The man turned on the spot and vanished.

Harry went up to the door and knocked.


"Hermione, you have a friend here to see you." Jamie announced

Hermione was in her room, reading the latest Daily Prophet. Her eyebrow went up. Which friend? It couldnt be Ron, she was headibg to the Burrow at the end of the week. Besides she believed the Pure-blood was afraid to be near Muggles for too long. It couldnt be Harry. As far as Hermione knew he was still with his Muggle relatives.

Sighing impatiently, Hermione came downstairs. "Im sorry about that Mrs. Granger, but Hermione did invite me over." An errie familiar voice spoke.

"Thats ok dear. Hermiones friends are always welcome here." Jamie replied.

"Harry?!" Hermiones eyes bugged out.


"Come on, follow me." Hermione took his arm excitedly and ran upnthe stairs to her room. She locked the door then turned to face him. "How were you able to come here?!"

"Sirius brought me, of course." Harry grinned.

"You finally get to live with him?!" Hermione shrieked

"Any more yelling, Ill be deaf." Harry chuckled.

"Sorry. Whats wrong?" Hermione blushed.

"I had a nightmare last night about..Voldemort and Wormtail." Harry shifted.

"And knowing you, you didnt tell him right?" Hermione shook her head.

"Hermione, I dont want to upset Sirius any more. His best friends died at the hand of another, and he was sent to prison! I can't tell him." Harry hissed

"Sirius promised to help you out when there's a problem. Why are you being so stubborn?" Hermione huffed

"Look it's hard to tell anyone. I'm still getting used to having a parent. I don't want to bother him with something so trivial like one sleepless night. Hermione, everything will get better." Harry smiled.

If only that were true.

Later that night, Harry once again awoke from an unpleasant dream about Voldemort and his plans to enter him into something. Harry's eyes snapped open to his dark room. He shivered remembering Voldemort's spine chilling voice, as if he was right next to Harry himself.

Harry sighed and went to the room next to his. He quietly opened the door and joined Sirius in his bed.


Sirius was puzzled when he heard the door open. But when the mattress dipped, he smiled to himself as e hugged the teenager closer.

However, he frowned when he felt the boy shiver next to him. "Harry, are you ok?"

Harry didn't answer but buried deep into Sirius' side. The man made a note to speak with him tomorrow morning.


"Ready for breakfast?" Sirius asked

Harry nodded not trusting his voice anymore.

Sirius began to cook, refusing to talk about the previous night. When the two finished breakfast, Sirius decided to plow through and get some answers.

"Harry, are you sleeping ok?"

Harry stiffened slightly and debated telling Sirius, but decided not to. "Im fine Sirius."

"Hmm...when you came in with me you were shaking. Did your nightmares return?" Sirius narrowed his eyes.

"N-no." Harry blushed. "Its embarassing!"

"Come now, I practically raised you, it cant be that bad." Sirius said casually.

"Its with Voldemort, Wormtail and some unknown man." Harry began.

"Tell me everything."

"It starts off like this.."

When Harry had finished his eyes were red and he could barely keep his eyes open.

Sirius smiled as he levitated his son to the couch. "I love you my boy."

"Love you too, Dad." Harry whispered.

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