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The teenager kept his head bowed, "its my fault. He only wanted me, I should have told Cedric to leave me."

Harry felt a gentle hand under his chin and tipped it up. "Harry, you are experiencing survivors guilt. You are not to blame, you hear me?"

Once again, Harry didnt answer. "Ill be back Pup." Sirius got up and left the hospital wing.


"Sirius, my boy."

"Dont! You know why Im here." Sirius' silver eyes were cold.

"To stop my interference?" A silver eyebrow went up.

"Im taking Harry home. Final exams are over. Once he is released, hes coming with me. And you know you cant stop me." Sirius stated

Dumbledore flinched, he should have never made the Unbreakable Vow with Sirius. The Head Auror did it so the old man would keep his nose out of his familys business.

"As you wish, thank you for informing me." Dumbledore replied.

"Mr. Black?" A crisp voice asked from behind.

Sirius turned to see Minerva behind him. "Hello Minnie."

Minervas eyes narrowed, but she didnt bother to correct him. "Wheres Harry?"

"In his dorm getting ready to go home. I think its best he gets out of here ASAP." Sirius replied.


"What can you tell us about Voldemorts return Mr. Potter?" Sirius asked his son a few days later.

"It was as if my nightmare came true." Harry raised his wand and pulled a memory out. "Show the court, why dont you?"

Harry played the memory of his parents returning in their ghost forms while everyone had gasped.

They clapped when Harry managed to bring Cedrics body to Hogwarts. 

"Thank you Mr. Potter, that will be all." Kingsley announced.

The court minus Fudge had come to an agreement, to nip Voldemorts return in the bud.

"We owe a great deal of thanks to Head Auror Sirius Black and his son Harry Potter. With this knowledge, we can prepare for a better fight for the light side, dismissed!" Amelia called banging her gavel.


"Go away please Dad!" Harry yelled when he heard a knock.

"Oi, icing out your uncle? Im hurt Harry." A man gasped.


"The one and only." The man laughed

Harry grinned as he opened the door. "Dad asked you here, right?" Harry asked flatly.

"I dont know what you're talking about. I only wanted to see if you wanted to go for lunch?" Remus asked

"Its 2pm."

"Late lunch? I know you had a lot on your mind lately." Remus grinned.

"Let me grab my cloak."

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