The Dementor

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"Remember, Ill be patrolling. Any trouble, come and find me." Sirius told Harry before boardibg the train.

"I dont think anything can go wrong in the train Dad, but ok." Harry replied hesitantly.

Sirius smiled and ruffled Harrys hair. "Dad!" He laughed playfully.

"You should go find your friends."

"Ok see you later."

It was like any normal train ride, minus the pouring rain. Harry and his friends were relaxing in their compartment when the train came to a screeching stop. Harry was busy napping but woke up when a myriad of voices began chatting.

"Whats going on?" Harry asked irritated.

"Somethings coming onto the train!" Ron squeaked

Suddenly the lights overhead went out. This caused chaos to be released.

"Wands out, everyone!" Hermione demanded. She brought out hers and lit it. A strong beam came from her wand as three more followed.

"Whos opening the door?!" Ginny squeaked

Seconds later, a dark robed figure appeared. Harrys feeling of elation had vanished leaving him cold and empty. White fog blurred his sight as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

He suddenly heard a woman screaming faintly. He wanted to help her, but how?


Sirius was patrolling the Express by Dumbledores insistance. His breath hitched when he saw a dementor with his son and his friends.

Sirius saw all the kids had forlorn expressions, but Harry was on the floor unconscious! Livid, Sirius blasted the compartment door open. "Expecto Patronum!" Out burst a gigantic silver dog that chased the dementor away.

Once Sirius was sure everyone was ok, he turned to Harry. Everyone left the compartment. They knew not to get in between Sirius and Harry.


The screaming kept going on and on. Harry was desperate to figure out who the woman was. He e wasnt sure where he was anymore, he only wanted to hear silence. Suddenly warrmth flooded into him, and he could finally smile.

"Harry! Harry!" A far away voice called

Stubbornly, Harrys eyes felt like bricks. The harder he tried, the more they stayed closed.

At long last, Harry opened his eyes to find his fathers worried grey ones above him. "Where are we?' Harry croaked

"I took us ahead. We're in the hospital wing at the castle." Sirius replied then sighed.

"Dad, it wasnt my fault! That pesky whatever did it!" Harry shouted.

"Calm down Pup, or Madam Pomfrey will kick me out. You know how scary she is." Sirius surpressed a shiver. "Im the one who needs to apologize. That was a dementor, they guard Askaban and since my manic cousin escaped, the Ministry is obsessed with keeping the underage people safe."

"I felt as if Id never be happy again. Like I was filled with gloom." Harry whimpered. "How can I learn in this castle if those demons are here? Bellatrix cant be mad enough to come after children! Surely only her master woukd do that."

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