Unforgivable Curses

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Sirius was beside himself in furry. He wanted to go hex Moody into insanity for showing the students his students the Unforgiveables. Especially poor Neville. Sirius went to the ROR to destroy about 3 dozen dummies until he was sure he could speak without screaming.

"Harry, where is Neville?"

"Dad, you heard about..." Harry began in a shaky voice.

"We can talk later, but I need to find Neville, where is he?" Sirius said distractedly. He didn't see Harry's disappointed face.

"I think he's in the loo." Harry replied flatly. He needed reassurence, but Sirius was more worried about Neville to give it.

Sirius didnt think Harry needed him, he thought he couldnt remember the attack on his parents.


"Neville?" Sirius knocked on the door of the boys lavetry.

Neville wiped his eyes and took a deep breath allowing Sirius in. "Hello Professor."

Sirius smiled and dug into his pocket."here, take this." He handed the boy a tissue. "Would you like to come with me?"

Neville nodded.

"I have something you might enjoy."

Neville perked up at that.


"I hear you like Herbology." Sirius said a few minutes later.

"I love it. I just understand plants." Neville answered

"You have nothing to be ashamed for." Sirius whispered

Nevilles eyes flew to the floor. "I know, but still...its..."

"Embarassing, I get it. I dont have the best of memories about that curse either." Sirius said casually. He went to his bookshelf and pulled out a book.

"Here, its a book on underwater plants. Keep it." Sirius set the book on the table.

Nevilles jaw dropped. "Thank you Sir!"

Sirius waved a hand, "its nothing. Now I had best get to grading."

Neville grinned as he left the room.


"Neville? Are you ok?" Hermione asked 5 minutes later.

Neville nodded to everyones surprise. "Professor Black gave me this book all about plants underwater. No teacher has ever bden that nice."

Harry smiled for Nevilles sake, but inside, he was playing tug of war.

He needed to talk to Sirius about what happened, but he didnt want to be dismissed again. Even though he was hurting, the boy stayed silent.


"Ah Sirius." Dumbledore noddeed.

"Albus, tell me. Why did you allow Moody to be here?" Sirius' eyes were like steel.

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