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Castiel POV


Castiel closed the apartment complex door behind him. It was a chilly Sunday night and it rained just an hour or so before, so the ground was  still moist.

He circled around back to the small dark allyway. Crowley's black truck sat in a small puddle of water. Castiel picked up his pace as he approached the car and waited for Crowley to unlock it when he heard the muffled click noise he entered without hesitation.

He didn't want to go into the car, but much worse things would happen if he refused. That's how things worked here.

If you go, bad things happen for the rest of your life. If you choose not to go, bad things happen for the rest of your life.

Castiel gave Crowley an affirming nod, and the car moved forward slowly. He looked out the window at Dean's apartment window, the only one with the shades drawn.

He would miss Dean. He knew what he was planning. Everyone who sees him seems to say the same thing. But they all try to have sex with him anyways so he knows they weren't genuine.

Dean, however, Was.

A few potholes later, the car came to a solid stop. They were home, a place Castiel wished to never see again. A place that hurt to even look at.

3 other prostitutes where locked up in there.

Gabriel, his brother who was given to his uncle as well. He was a short person, with dirty blonde/ dirty brown hair, and beautiful golden eyes. His life used to be cheerful and joking, always with a piece of candy or some other sweets in his mouth.

Now, he lost all his personality and joy. He rarely spoke anymore and smiled even less. Even though they were all like that, watching Gabriel's personality slowly get stripped away, destroyed Castiel in ways you could not imagine. It was as if you where to watch someone you love die of anorexia.

Next was Charlie. She was the oldest prostitute in the house and was his apparent cousin. Crowley was her father, and he even put her into the business. With flaming red hair and a stunning appearance, it was clear she didn't take after her dad.

If she used to have any happiness at all, it was gone now. Most of the time she was angry. She would snap an everyone constantly, but no body ever snapped back. It was a silent rule they all agreed on. If you were smart you knew that it wasn't her fault. She had seen and gonna through twice the torture that everyone else had. It was only fair that they had paitence for her.

Last was Sam.

He was a tall, tall, tall, tall, tall, tall, tall, tall, person with shaggy long hair. He had a gentle nose with a cute slope to it.  He had long lashes framing hazel eyes that were always on a sad puppy look.

Sam arrived at around the same time as Castiel and Gabriel so the three of them were close. They would share memories of how life used to be before everything happened.

They would occasionally smile.

It always felt like nothing was wrong when the three of them were together. Sam would always share memories of him and his brother who Castiel always forgot to ask the name of.

Castiel got out of the car and walked towards the sidewalk leading to the house. He waited for Crowley to catch up at the door and unlock it for him.

He slowly turned the lock and opened the door for Castiel. He stepped into the room, and walked towards the end of the hall, where the prostiroom was.

He walked into there and saw all three of his friends sitting there. Charlie was in her bed, Gabriel was playing with a hair he found on the floor, intrigued by it. Sam was sitting by the dining room table, and was deep in thought with his head down.

Castiel plopped himself down onto the floor. Later today they were getting their daily dose of heroin. Crowley keeps them hooked so that they become dependent on him.

Crowley came in with 4 spoons and three needles in one hand, and a brown paper bag filled with the rest of the supplies in the other.

Castiel watched Crowley undo his belt, and his jeans start sagging. He grabbed a hold of Gabriel's hand, and he dropped the hair he was preoccupied with previously.

He rolled up his right sleeve and wrapped the belt around his arm so tight that it would leave a mark later. He prepared the heroin, and heated up the mixture over a small lighter.

Castiel was wearing a short sleeve shirt, but Sam and Charlie we're both wearing plaid long sleeve shirts so they prerolled their sleeves. Castiel observed as the needle was filled with the warm concoction and tapped to take out air bubbles.

Gabriel flinched at the stab. Even after all this time, over 1000 doses of heroin, and he still flinched. Castiel was next. He prepared the next needle, filling it and wrapping the belt around his arm.

The buckle pinched Castiel slightly but he knew better than to complain. A strange wave of relief washed over him.

No body spoke about it, but they all knew the main reason no body left yet was because they were addicted. They would do anything and everything for more.

As Crowley gave Charlie her fix, Gabriel reached into the small bag and pulled out a small plastic one filled with heroin mixture and cotton. He took a needle a while back that the four of them reused despite the warnings. They always disinfected the needle so no body would get HIV or something dangerous like that.

After Sam got his fix, they all dosed off, high and miserable.

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