smut warning bitches (also disappointment)

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Castiel pushed Dean on the bed, a cheap green lighter bouncing off and onto the floor with the rest of the trash and debris.

Dean placed a hand on the back of Castiels thigh, pulling him closer and implementing exactly what they both wanted.

Dean gasped as Castiel whispered harshly into Dean's ear, "I need you to beg" there was a silence in the air so thick and awkward you could throw glass at it and it would break. Then Dean complied.

"C-Cas I need you... Please fuck me, Now!" Castiel clicked his tounge.

"Hm... Not quite good enough. I guess I'll have to tease" Castiel wasn't quite used to being top; he was always forced to be a bottom. It feel weird to embrace, and nourish the little kinky side that nested within. (That sentence felt really wierd to write).

It seemed to Castiel that Dean was the person who he could want to loose his consented virginity to. That this is the way it should have been.

He gave Dean rough messy kisses all over him from the lips to his stomach. He made sure not to exceed that area, to restrict the pleasure Dean needed.

He kicked the cum stained blankets off the bed to make room for the great sex they were going to have.

Castiel removed Dean's shirt, which was sticky with sweat. The way it clung to every muscle in his body was hot, but his bare chest would have been hotter. 

He licked the remaining sweat droplets off his body, letting the saltines of his bodily fluids envelope his mind like a drug. Castiel then removed his own shirt and started to unbutton Dean's pants. His boner created a bulge in his pants, a small tent of joy and hornyness.

The moment his dick was unveiled was breath taking. It stood tall and strong, like a German solider ready to fight. It swayed from side to side slightly, like a banner in the wind. It was a beautiful length. But two disappointments were still there and they distracted Castiel from all the rest of it.

A long foreskin cloaked his member like a cape. It was limp and sorta disturbing. It smelled even worse. It was the remains of other humans saliva, shit, piss, and cum all smashed together. Castiel has seen some bad smelling dicks but this was up there amongst the worse smells he's seen on a dick.

Some people perfumed theirs in order to rid themselves of the smell, but it always remained. Same thing with a bunch of vaginas on woman.

The least you can do is at least rinse it off (with soap) before. But it was obvious that when Dean showered, he forgot to clean the most important parts.

Dean could tell by the look on Castiels face that he was disappointed. He had an impressive length, but that was hidden in the shadow of his foreskin.

The look on Castiel's face slowly shifted to a new expression. A thin smirk stretched out onto his face. The smirk morphed into a grin, then chuckle emerged from his mouth.

It was a lovely sound, hearing Castiel laugh, But Dean felt ashamed.

"Honestly I don't know what I was expecting, and don't worry I've seen worse. You should go... Uh... Rinse that off. It kinda smells. Don't worry, I'll wait here for you. Okay?" Castiel tried to be as polite as he could asking Dean to clean his smelly ass penis.

Dean's face fell at that question, then he said quietly, "I cant."

Castiel looked surprised at Dean's answer.
"What do you mean you can't??? Just rinse it with water."

Dean seemed reluctant to answer that question. He sat up and prepared to talk. "I don't have water...I haven't had water for four months now." His voice lowered to a whisper as if he were keeping a secret from invisible men "I can't afford to pay for the water bill, they shut it off for my apartment room."

Castiel took a good look at Dean and took in the sight. now that he mentioned it, he did look a little dirty. No, REALLY dirty. His hair was so oily it looked like America was about to go to war with  him for it.

A layer of dirt coated him under the sweat. The sweat he just licked off him. Ew. He felt like throwing up. He resisted the urge to spit out the saliva in his mouth.

Dean never felt more filthy I his life. He just confessed that he was covered in months work of dirt. There was no way Castiel would want to bang him now (...he does.)

The smirk returned to Castiel's face once more. He pushed Dean back down onto the bed.
"I don't mind that much."

He pinched Dean's nipple between his finger tips. "Now, let's finish what we started." Dean was about to moan, but Castiel slammed a hand over Dean's mouth.

"Hush, sir-cloaked dick" Dean seemed insulted by the nickname but didn't mention it to him. He went back to kissing Dean's dirt coated skin. Dean bit his lip so hard it split the skin.

He inched his way down to his naval and finally, his dick. It smelled even worse up close, but Castiel bit his tounge and pushed through it. He placed it in his mouth, making him gag. But he wanted Dean. He needed Dean.

Dean never felt such pleasure in his life. All  innocence that once seemed to envelope Castiel was gone and Dean knew it. It showed within every movement he made.

Castiel seemed to cover his cock in saliva. Then he stopped he brought 4 of his fingers to Dean's lips.
"Suck.", He said

Dean complied to Castiel's request. His fingers felt dry in his mouth. He let his spit coat them evenly, making sure they would drip when Castiel was ready to remove them. It was only a few moments before he was.

He slipped them out of Dean's mouth, a string of saliva connecting the two. He broke the connection with his tounge. He brought one of his soaked fingers to Dean's tight pink v o I d.  (Yes that was necessary). One entered and Dean winced. Castiel smiled and kissed Dean.

"It'll hurt less if you relax. Trust me," A pained look entered his eyes "I would know." Dean made a mental note to question him about that later. He took Castiel's advice and unclenched his ass muscles.

After a minute Castiel added two more fingers. It felt good to have something inside of there. It like taking a reverse shit. He clung on to Castiel as he slid in his final finger.

He was stretched out to hell. Castiel removed his fingers, and took off his own pants at last. His dick popped free. It was twice as impressive as Dean's and smelled like coconut and vanilla. Also circumcized.

He put his palm in front of deans mouth and Dean placed a generous amount of saliva into his hand. Castiel coated his own cock in the spit and placed it at the opening of deans stretched asshole.

Dean felt a surge of pleasure shoot through his body. He let out out a gasp, and Castiel shot him a warning glance. He shut himself up and let Castiel plunge in deeper.

He near pulled the bedsheets off the bed when Castiel hit his prostate. A few thrusts later and cum shot up from his cloaked penis, and he let it splatter onto Castiel's face and torso. Castiel came soon after.


They both collapsed onto the couch later that day.

Then they snapped back to reality.

Castiel was still a prostitute, rented for 5 hours, 8 hours ago. Castiel jumped up.

"I CANT BE HERE, I NEED TO GO NO-" he was interrupted by the door flying off it's hinges and shattering against the wall. Crowley and three other men stood in the doorway. Or so they thought there were three others. There was actually a fourth one and he was behind Dean, about to hit him in the head with a metal pipe and knock him out.

And then he did.

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