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Dean stayed up for the forth night in a row, studying the sex trade. Normally studying was for his younger brother, Sam, but his brother went missing 11 years ago. Dean took a swig of vodka from the bottle, and clicked on another article.

This one was made by police and about how people are always unaware of the trading that goes on right under their noses. Vodka dribbled down his chin and he out the bottle down. He knew drinking was a bad habit, but he couldn't help himself.

He also knew that if he were to get to the roots of the trade, we was going to have to here from the. slave himself. He dialed Crowley's number and let it ring before getting an answer.

"Crowley's services, only the best women and men around."

Dean asked for Castiel to come tonight for 6 hours, using the excuse of he gave him the best fucking he's gotten in a while, when really the only thing fucked up was the fact that people had to spend their whole lives the was Castiel did.

A few minutes later the door bell rang and Dean let Castiel in. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, but Dean didn't exactly mind.

"Ok Castiel, I need you to tell me about the living conditions and other prostitutes that are with you."

Castiel glanced left and began to speak. "Well we have my brother, Gabriel."

Dean stopped him. "You have a brother? Was he taken at the same time as you? Tell me more about him."

Castiel gave him everything he knew about his brother, then talked about Charlie. He told her how she was born into the sex trade, starting as young as age three. He then informed her about her attitude and why nobody really minds.

"Well and the last person in our home is Sam. He's only been here for about 11 years. He-"


Castiel was taken aback by the sudden screaming. He cowered deep into his seat, and whimpered.
"Do you k-know him?"

Dean was in a state of shock. He missed his brother like crazy. He heard Castiel calling his name, but it sounded like it was 1000 miles away and underwater at the same time. He heard his heart beating, and he was instantly taken to a earlier age, when sam first disappeared.

Dean was only 19 years old. Sam was 10. He would talk with Sam often and had a great relationship with his brother. One day, however. That all went away.

It happened when Dean and Sam went out to eat. They ate at a small diner that didn't get many costumers outside of his brother and him. Dean ordered a lemon meringue pie and Sam got a salad and water.

A shady costumer walked through the door and the whole situation played out like a old Western film. The floorboards creaked as he stepped and the door made a swingy noise. Dean eyed the stranger intensely then excused himself to the restroom.

When he came back Sam was gone. The man was still there, but the look on his face was forever seared into his memory. It was like when you fart and you don't tell anyone, but your face says it all.(had to lighten the mood)

Dean yelled out Sam's name but it was all in vain. Sam was gone. He drove around town for the rest of the night but it was useless. Years later and Dean still made random drives around town, as if he would randomly pop up.

Dean snapped out of his flashback when Castiel lightly touched his hand.
"Dean tell me what is wrong. How do you know Sam?"

"Castiel.... Sam's the name of my brother that went missing 9 years ago. I think that the Sam you know might be him."

Even Castiel seemed a little bit surprised.

"Well is your brother tall?"
"Did he have long hair?"
"Brown hair and hazel e-"

Dean let out a small sob. His brother had been going through some of the worst shit in the world and Dean thought he was dead. Given the circumstances he might as well be. It might be better for him.

Castiel cleared his throat. "Dean I'm so sorry.... If I had known how to stop it I would have but I'm in just as deep shi-  issues."

Dean gave Castiel an empathetic look. "I have plans in action starting if a few weeks. But the entire plan is still in development. So I'll have you come back in a week for an update. OK?"

Castiel nooded and got up to leave, but Dean stopped him for one final message.

"Tell Sam that... I haven't given up on him yet. And I will save him. Goodnight Cas. Is it ok if I call you that?"

"Yes it is Dean."

Heyyy if you guys have gotten it this far then congrats! I'm going to update like one or two chapters a week but I'll probably slack off.

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