Taehyung x Reader

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Taehyung was your best friend ever since kinder-garden. He always treated you like you were his younger sister and you hated that. Ever since fifth grade, you started developing feelings for him and now, it is getting worse every minute you see him. 

Today is your first day of your sophomore year in high school.  You went to your locker and opened it, taking out your textbooks and other things you needed for class. Once you closed your locker you looked to your right and saw Taehyung at his locker getting his things for his classes. You walked to his locker and he turned around and saw you walking towards him. 

"Hey Y/N!" he said with his deep soothing voice.

"Hey Tae Tae!" you replied back. "How was your summer? And What did you do?"

"It was good, thank you and well I only slept and did nothing that important. How about you Y/N?" He said.

"It was, I guess fun? Beacuse I got to hang out with my friends and I got to sleep a lot, which is not possible for me and you know it." you replied.

"Yea I know and do you want to go to the movies tonight. I have nothing to do today and since I haven't seen you in a long time we should go hangout."

"Yea I think that's a great idea!" you exclaimed.


School ended and you went home. Once you got home, you went to you room and opened your closet to get dressed for tonight. You were looking for a cute casual outfit that Taehyung would like.

Finally you picked the outfit you thought was cute. You put on the outfit and put on some light make-up. You then finished with putting on your shoes. The second you put on your shoes, you heard Taehyung's car. Getting out of your house, you went to his car and greeted him.

"Hey Tae!" you said.

"Hey Y/N! Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes I am."

You both left to the movies. Once he parked the car, you both got out of the car and walked towards the theater. Trying to pick a movie, you both finally decided on the movie you were going to watch. And got you tickets.

Once you both got inside, you felt an arm around your waist and eyes looking at you. It was him. The guy who you always wanted to hold you like that. Taehyung.

"We should get some popcorn and drinks." He deepend his voice.

"Yea. We should." you replied.

Once you got your popcorn and your drinks, you both went inside the auditorium and sat down on a seat. The movie played and you were enjoying the moment with Tae.

Once the movie finished, the 2 of you walked out. Going to the car and leaving to your house. You got out of his car saying "thanks Taehyung. I had a great night." and smiled at him. You got to your door and opening it, you heard a door open and close. Feeling him getting closer to you. Taehyung grabbed your arm and you turned around.

"What's wrong Taehyung?!" you asked him. He didn't say a word, but he then holded you in his arms. Getting really close to your lips, you tensed up and he finally kissed you with his warm, soft lips.

"I love you." was all he said and turned around and then left to his car. Leaving you really confused and surprised at the same time. But in the end, you went to sleep happily and peacefully knowing that your lover for a long time loves you back.💕👍

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