Suga x OC (Requested)

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This was a request from @WannaZoneftBTSislife. I hope you liked this.

OC = Ange


3rd P.O.V.

It was almost Ange's birthday and Yoongi was planning something special for her. Believe it or not Yoongi actually has something for Ange. He has been having weird feelings about Ange for a long time, but he doesn't want to admit that he likes her. He doesn't know if she like him though. He gets jealous when he sees Ange with Jimin, laughing together and playing games. But soon it was going to be Ange's birthday and he was going to show her how much he loves her. He didn't want it to make it noticeable to buy the things for her birthday party. So he left telling the others that 'he was going to take a walk'. 

~~Time skip~~

Arriving at the most expensive party store, he found a lot of different themes of party there. He went to the k-pop section(knowing Ange likes k-pop) and buying mostly everything that was kpop for her birthday party. After paying, he thought of the perfect present, but he didn't buy the present. At least not until a day before her birthday. So instead he went to the grocery store and bought the necessary ingredients for the food he was going to make for her. He knows that he doesn't cook well, but that day he will try his best and cook for her. After getting everything he needed, he went to his car and left the store going to his house. Once he got to his house he brought the things in and put them somewhere so that none of the member, or Ange, would find it. He sat down on his couch and search for places to go and do the party there. 

~~Time skip to the day before Ange's Birthday and Yoongi's POV~~ 

Tomorrow is Ange's Birthday and I have to make this a special day for her. I'll go to the store and buy the gifts for her. Maybe I should take Jimin with me because I mean he knows her more than me. I'll call him...

~~Jimin's POV~~

I know that tomorrow is Ange's Birthday and I also know that Yoongi likes her. Though he won't admit it. I already know my hyung and I know what he feels inside when he doesn't, so to me it's obvious that he like her. I was about to go to the store when I thought about Yoongi. He will call in 3...2...1...

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh.. um.. Hey Jimin. I have a question.." He replied.


"Do you want to come with me to buy something for Ange? Because you know her more than me and well you know what she would like."

"Yea of course." I replied with a smile plastered on my face.

"Ok well meet me at the entrance of Time Square Mall." and with that he hanged up.

Welp um ok Time Square Mall here we come.

~~Back to Yoongi's POV~~

I am waiting for Jimin outside the Mall, but now im not so sure what to give her exactly because what he says no to everything I want to give her?

*Knock Knock*

I looked to my left and saw Jimin outside. Wait...How did he know I was in my car?

"Hey Hyung!" he said.

"Hey Jimin. Lets see the things we can find for Ange." I said.

"Ok, well first off tell me what your idea of the gift that would be perfect for her."

I told my Ideas to Jimin and he said some 'yes' and some 'no'. So he said he would help me. Once we were done shopping for Ange, we went to my house and prepared everything at another place because I feel like it was better. Then we got her presents ready and left it on the table there. When we got home it was dark already so I decided to go to sleep. 

*beep beep* 8:30 AM

I woke up from my alarm, did my morning routine and went down stairs after I got dressed. Once I got down stairs I saw Jimin in the couch sleeping. And when did he get here? After he woke up, I called the other members and told them everything I planned and they were in. 

~~Later that day~~

All the members came to the place where we were and we all settled there. I decided to call Ange.

"Hello?" She answered the phone.

"Hey Ange. I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere for your birthday?"

"Really?? You are the only person who remembered. I think that even my best friend forgot." She replied.

"Oh well is that a yes?" I asked.

"Of course." She said.

"Ok I'll pick you up right now."

"fine by me."

*End Call*

I took a blind fold with me because I didn't want Ange to know where I was going to take her. I arrived to her house leaving the members at the assembly room. 

~~Ange's POV~~

I saw Yoongi outside my house so I got out and greeted him. I got in his car and he said: "turn around I'm going to blind fold you so that you won't see where I am taking you. Once we are there I'll take off your blind fold. It's a secret so your not suppose to know." I agreed and he put it on. I felt that he was starting to drive, but I fell asleep in matter of seconds. Soon I felt a sudden stop and I woke up. He got me out of his car and we walked to what sounded like it was silent. Once we were inside he took off the blind fold and what I saw surprised me. It looked like a ball room with pretty decorations of k-pop groups. I turned around and hugged Yoongi tightly knowing he did this for me. Then I looked around and the rest of the members were there dressed perfectly. Yoongi was dressed better than the rest of the members though. I looked around and saw other k-pop Idols in here. My favorite slow k-pop song came on and Yoongi asked the one thing I wanted him to ask at a party 'May I have this dance?' He sounded so soft and nice that I thought I was dreaming. we danced across the dance floor and we were both lost in our eyes. He came closer and I did too. We were one inch apart from each other until my mind went somewhere else and I felt a soft kiss on my lips. I 'came back to reality' and it happened I did get a soft loving kiss from the person I loved. That was the only gift I wanted: The love of the one and only Min Yoongi.



This is late because I had other things to do(Mostly school things), but I really hope you liked it. I apologize for the tardiness.

K-Idol Males x Reader (request open)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن