The House Special

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The last few weeks for Hennessy had been absolutely shitty! Her sales were lower than normal due to school being out for the summer, the latest strain that she was developing had been nothing but a failure since she began, and to put the icing on the cake, she hadn't had her back blown out in almost 2 months. It wasn't like she didn't have options that she could call on to scratch that itch, but none of them compared to HIM.
Hennessy and Erik had a special relationship. She had unintentionally become his roommate and dealer when he came to MIT and he quickly became her best friend and personal bodyguard. They told each everything and every now and then, fed each other's... needs. Erik spoiled her— anything her tiny little heart wanted, he made sure she had, even if that meant being passed out in bed for several hours after going toe to toe with him and his beast of a libido. However, ever since she proposed the escort idea to him, his time had been spread between different dates several nights a week. In the beginning it didn't bother her, after all it was her idea and she did enjoy the extra money. But now, it seemed as though his dates were cutting into her time, and being the spoiled little brat that he had created, Henny was more than a little frustrated.
The sounds of cabinets slamming and loud banging woke Erik from his slumber.
"Shy what the fuck you doing in here?" he screamed as he made his way into their shared living room.
"Two very potent samples of my Kreole Kush are missing, Stevens. They were here last night before your hoe ass friends came over, and now they're gone!"
She was seething. She hated how careless and irresponsible Erik could be, especially when there was pussy involved.

"Man calm your ass down! Them girls didn't take your shit," he says moving towards her in the kitchen. "You probably overlooking it."

"I've searched this entire kitchen and it's not here, so where the fuck is it , Stevens?!"

"Aye, watch who you cursing at little girl. I ain't one of these weak ass niggas you used to."

"And I ain't none of these thot ass hoes you used to! I don't give three fucks about you poking out your chest or raising your goddamn voice! You ain't my damn daddy and you don't run shit here!"

Erik stood dumbfounded. Hennessy hadn't spoken to him in that tone since the day he stumbled on her doorstep. Taking a moment to look over her tired form, Erik caught the slight glint of lust in her eyes as her chest heaved in anger and she stared at his shirtless body.

"See something you like, babygirl?" Erik teased.

Henny assumed her eyes had given her away as they lingered over his muscular torso a little bit too long. She quickly regained her composure, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing that all he had to do was flex a little bit and her attitude would soon be forgotten. Instead, she straightened her posture, pushed her glasses back up on her face and quickly pushed past him.

"What the fuck ever," she called back before slamming the door.


Hennessy always found solace in the campus greenhouse. There she was free to be herself surrounded by the beautiful plants she loved so much, many of which she cultivated. Placing her earbuds in her ear, she began trying to figure out where she was going wrong with her latest strain. She was so engulfed in her music and research that she didn't notice the handsome man invade her personal space until he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you," the stranger spoke. "I'm new here and I was trying to find some bud. I was told to ask for Shy."

She found herself at a loss for words. This man was BEYOND fine. He was taller than her, at least 5'11 and muscular. Jesus his muscles! He looked as though he was carved from the finest stone, every inch of him chiseled and perfectly defined. His warm tan skin was riddled with tattoos and his blonde stringy hair reminded her of a bowl of ramen noodles, and she was more than willing to slurp every last—

Hoe Ass ErikWhere stories live. Discover now